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23 February 2020

1.3 BILLION INDIANS WELCOMED CRITICAL JUDICIAL VERDICTS DESPITE APPREHENSIONS: MODIPrime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said 1.3 billion Indians haddisregarded apprehensions and "wholeheartedly" accepted recent criticaljudicial verdicts which were subjects of global discussion.Speaking at the inaugural function of the International Judicial Conference2020 - 'Judiciary and the Changing World' at the Supreme Court, Modi spokeabout recent crucial judgments, in an apparent reference to path-breakingverdicts, including in the politically-sensitive Ayodhya case.The Prime Minister said no country or society could claim to achieveholistic development without gender justice and referred to laws ontransgenders, 'triple talaq' and on the rights of 'divyangs' (people withdisabilities).He said the government had also taken steps to give rights to women inmilitary service and in providing paid maternity leave for 26 weeks.He also hailed the Indian judiciary for redefining environmentaljurisprudence to strike a balance between development and ecologicalprotection."In recent times, there have been some critical judicial judgments anddecisions which have been the subject of global discussion. Before thesejudgments were delivered, several apprehensions were being expressed aboutthe consequences. But look what happened: 1.3 billion Indians wholeheartedlyaccepted the judicial verdicts," Modi said.TRUMP WILL RAISE ISSUE OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WITH MODI: WHITE HOUSEUS President Donald Trump will raise the issue of religious freedom withPrime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to India next week, the WhiteHouse said on Friday, noting that the US had great respect for India'sdemocratic traditions and institutions."President Trump will talk about our shared tradition of democracy andreligious freedom both in his public remarks and then certainly in private.He will raise these issues, particularly the religious freedom issue, whichis extremely important to this administration," a senior official toldreporters in a conference call.The official was responding to a question on whether the President wasplanning to speak to Modi on the Citizenship (Amendment) Act or the NationalRegister of Citizens.Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are scheduled to travel to Ahmedabad,Agra and New Delhi on February 24 and 25.ADHIR TO SKIP BANQUET, SAYS GOVT HAS NOT INVITED SONIA GANDHIAdhir Ranjan Chowdhury, leader of the Congress in Lok Sabha, said onSaturday that he has declined an invitation for the banquet to be hosted byPresident Ram Nath Kovind for US President Donald Trump on February 25, toprotest against the government for not extending an invite to Congressinterim president Sonia Gandhi."Our party leader Sonia Gandhi has not been invited. President Trump isrepresenting the biggest democracy of the world and the Indian PrimeMinister is representing the largest democracy. Democracy has variousimplications, of which. inherent is decency and etiquette. When Modi visitedAmerica. both Republicans and Democrats were present on the podium at theHowdy Modi event," he said."But here, the meaning of democracy in the lexicon of Modi has changed.Here, it will only be a Modi show, as if India belongs to Modi. The Congressis a 134-year-old democratic party, and our leader is recognised by alldemocratic countries. But much to our chagrin. she has not been invited. Itis a direct affront to the Congress. So, I cannot but refuse theinvitation," he said.BHARAT MATA KI JAI MISUSED FOR MILITANT, EMOTIONAL IDEA OF INDIA: MANMOHANSINGHFormer Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday said nationalism and theslogan 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' are being "misused" to construct a "militant andpurely emotional idea of India" that excludes millions of residents andcitizens.Addressing a gathering after releasing a book on Jawaharlal Nehru, Singhalso argued that attempts are being made to project India's first PrimeMinister in "false light".Singh said the book Who Is Bharat Mata by Purushottam Agrawal and RadhaKrishna, which contains selections from Nehru's books, his speeches and hisinterviews, is an attempt to set the narrative in the right direction.Quoting a speech made by Nehru in 1936, Singh said Nehru believed thatBharat Mata is essentially the millions of people of India who live in Indiaand "victory to her is victory of these people"."It is a book of particular relevance at a time when nationalism and theslogan of 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' are being misused to construct a militant andpurely emotional idea of India that excludes millions of residents andcitizens," he said.Singh said Nehru had remained a true democrat despite the compulsions ofpolitics. "His legacy continues to be of immense significance-perhaps moretoday than at any other time in our history," he said.BERNIE SANDERS CEMENTS FRONT-RUNNER STATUS WITH NEVADA CAUCUSES WINBernie Sanders has cemented his status as the Democratic front-runner totake on Donald Trump in November's US presidential election.He is projected to win Nevada's caucuses, and early results suggest he is oncourse for a large victory.There is a long way to go, however, until a nominee is confirmed.LET'S GET TOGETHER TO TAX TECH GIANTS: G20 OFFICIALSLeading world economies must show unity in dealing with aggressive "taxoptimisation" by global digital giants like Google, Amazon and Facebook, G20officials said on Saturday.Global rules are being developed by the Organisation for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD) to make digital companies pay tax wherethey do business, rather than where they register subsidiaries. The OECDsays this could boost national tax revenues by a total of $100 billion ayear.The call for unity appeared mainly directed at the United States, home tothe biggest tech companies, in an attempt to head off any stalling on therules until after the American presidential election in November.The OECD wants to set a minimum effective level at which such companieswould be taxed and seeks agreement by the start of July, with an endorsementby the G20 by the end of the year. "A coordinated answer is not the betterway forward, but, given the alternatives, the only way forward," OECD headAngel Gurria told the seminar.


TAJ MAHAL GOES FOR SPEED CLEANING AHEAD OF DONALD TRUMP'S VISITFrom Dwight D Eisenhower to Bill Clinton, many American presidents have madesure they're photographed against the backdrop of the Taj. And, now themonument is ready to impress Trump for that family frame. Well, almostready, for the Monday evening.The messages flashing across Agra capture the spirit of readiness. 'Welcometo the land of Ram and Krishna', 'Greetings from people of Uttar Pradesh','Welcome to the land of immense investment opportunities' and many more.It's another matter that Trump has been sending confusing signals on tradeand business deals with India over the last few days.On Saturday, everyone from gardeners to masons were working at breakneckspeed. After the US president and his wife land at Agra airport, the convoywould proceed straight to the Taj entry gate, from where the electric-rungolf carts would escort them to the marble marvel, officials said.His daughter and son-in-law are part of the delegation to India.SAD, AAP CONDEMN PUNJAB DGP'S STATEMENT OVER KARTARPUR CORRIDORThe opposition SAD and AAP on Saturday slammed Punjab DGP Dinkar Gupta's forhis purported statement on the Kartarpur corridor and sought clarificationfrom Chief Minister Amarinder Singh within 24 hours.DGP Gupta had told a national daily that "Kartarpur offers a potential thatyou send somebody in the morning as an ordinary chap and by evening he comesback as trained terrorist actually. You are there for six hours, you can betaken to a firing range, you can be taught to make an IED". The DGP alsoreportedly said some elements based in the neighbouring country were "tryingto woo the pilgrims and making overtures to them".Responding to the criticism over the statement he made at an event organisedby a national daily on February 20, the DGP said he was being "misunderstoodor wilfully misconstrued" as his remarks strictly pertained the security andsafety of Punjab and India. "I only red-flagged the obvious potential forthe misuse by elements notorious for their hostility towards India and theirefforts to exploit every opportunity, even the most pious one, to disturbpeace and communal harmony," said Gupta in a statement. Therefore, we needto be vigilant to such potential dangers in the interest of peace andsecurity of the people of the state, who, he said, had already suffered alot in the past at the hands of terrorism promoted by the hostile neighbour.The Kartarpur corridor, which was opened on November 9 last year, links theGurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan-the final resting place of Guru NanakDev-with Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur of Indian Punjab.MASSIVE GOLD DEPOSIT CLAIM FIZZLES OUTA day after it was reported that around 3,000 tonnes of gold deposits,almost five times India's current reserve of the yellow metal, werediscovered in Uttar Pradesh's Sonbhadra district, the Geological Survey ofIndia on Saturday denied finding such a vast amount of the resource.In a statement released, the GSI said, "As per news report, published invarious media that availability of 3350 tonnes of gold in Son Pahadi & Hardifield, Sonbhadra district, it is stated in the news that State Directorateof Geology & Mining, (DGM) Uttar Pradesh has shared this information"."We are not a party to the information published in the news. GSI has notestimated such kind of vast resource of gold deposits in Sonbhadra district,UP," it added.As per GSI study,the probable conservative figure of gold which can beunearthed is estimated to be around 160 kgs and not 3350 tonnes as mentionedin media reports.The statement issued by the GSI further adds that the report which wasshared with UP DGM has estimated "a probable category resource of 52,806.25tonnes of Ore with 3.03 grams per tonne gold (average gold) for a strikelength of 170m in Sub-Block-H, Sonapahari area, Sonbhadra district, UP"."The mineralised zone having an average grade of 3.03 grams per tonne ofgold is tentative in nature and the total gold which can be extracted fromthe total resource of 52,806.25 tonnes of ore is approximately 160 kg andnot 3,350 tonnes as mentioned in the media," GSI Director General (DG) MSridhar clarified.FIH PRO LEAGUE: INDIA WIN ONE, LOSE ONE AGAINST AUSTRALIAIndia bounced back in style to beat title-holders Australia 3-1 in ashootout in the second match of the two-leg FIH Pro League match yesterday.Both the teams were locked 2-2 at the end of regulation time at the KalingaStadium.India converted two penalty corners through Rupinder Pal Singh (25th minute)and Harmanpreet Singh (27th), while Trent Mitton (23rd) and skipper AranZalewski (46th) were the scorers for Australia in regulation time. India hadlost 3-4 to the visitors in the first leg. By virtue of this win, Indiaearned three points from the game while Australia pocketed one.Both India and Australia have 10 points from six games but the Kookaburrasare a rung above the Manpreet Singh-led India at the third spot in thestandings on goal difference.In the shootout, Harmanpreet, Vivek Sagar Prasad and Lalit Upadhyay scoredfor India, while Daniel Beale found the net for the visitors.In the earlier match, on Friday, Australia were at their imperious best inthe first, second, and third quarters, dominating the home favourites toopen up a 4-1 lead. However, India produced a spirited performance in thefinal quarter, with Raj Kumar Pal adding to his third quarter penalty cornerwith a stunning field goal to make it 4-2 before Rupinder Singh's superbpenalty corner drag-flick pulled India to within one goal going into thefinal eight minutes. Rupinder had a glorious chance to level the scores witha last minute penalty corner, but his effort sailed wide of the mark, givingAustralia all three points.WELLINGTON TEST: INDIA 78/2, AFTER 183 RUN 1ST INNINGS DEFICITCaptain Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor combined to put New Zealand in astrong position on Day 2 of the first Test before India struck back late toremove both just as their partnership threatened to take the match away fromthe tourists.New Zealand were 216/5, a lead of 51, at the end of the second day's playafter the failing light forced the players off.Earlier, India had been dismissed for just 165.On day 3, today, New Zealand added a 132 runs for the loss of their last 5wickets - they were all out for 348, taking a hefty first innings lead of183.In their second innings today, India lose Shaw (14) early. Mayank Agarwal(52 not out) and Pujara (11 off 81) added 51 runs for the second wicketbefore the latter shouldered his arms to an inswinger from Boult and saw hisoff stump pegged back, off the last ball before Tea.Scores at Tea on Day 3: India 165 and 78/2, New Zealand 348THOUGHT FOR THE DAYArrogance is trying to convince others you're more than who they know youare. - Bianca FrazierOFF TRACKA woman with her barking dog walks into a vet's clinic and spots a dogtraining video up for sale. She wisely decides to buy one."How does this work?" she asks, handing the vet the money. "Do I just havehim watch this?"

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
