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28 January 2020


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, issued an instruction regarding the novel coronavirus on Monday. In it, he urged Party organizations at various levels, officials and Party members to lead and unite the people to implement the decisions and policies made by the CPC Central Committee, and to rely on the people to win the battle of the prevention and control of the contagion caused by the virus.

Xi stressed that Party committees at various levels need to scientifically assess the development of the epidemic, make precise decisions, and act under unified leadership.



Calling The Sun's report "completely groundless", a spokesperson of the Chinese embassy in London said on Monday that "China has provided necessary assistance and facilitation to countries who wish to bring back their citizens from Wuhan in accordance with internationally accepted practice and epidemic prevention rules."

The Sun reported on Monday that the UK planned to send a rescue plane to bring back hundreds of British citizens who are trapped in Wuhan, but "a Foreign Office source revealed" that Chinese "officials have told all countries its lockdown will not be lifted for repatriation flights".

The spokesperson said that the UK embassy in China has clarified that "the news is completely inaccurate. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London is contacting the journalist to correct their understanding of this case. We can assure you that these inaccurate messages have not come from our government."

The Chinese embassy spokesperson demanded that "The Sun should right the wrong and clarify immediately."

The spokesperson accused The Sun of fabricating stories and creating chaos. "The relevant report of The Sun does nothing but disrupt the disease prevention and control efforts at a critical moment when people throughout China are joining hands to bring the virus under control.

"This is immoral, irresponsible and unacceptable."

The spokesperson emphasized that since the outbreak of the disease in Wuhan and other places, "the Chinese government has demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility for the people in China and around the world".

Firm and timely measures such as the fast mapping and sharing of the novel coronavirus DNA information worldwide have been taken to combat the virus and prevent it from spreading globally.

"People throughout China are mobilized to fight the disease shoulder to shoulder, with the confidence, resolve and capability to beat the virus," said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson also hailed that British people "from all walks of life have also come forward to offer their help, which is touching and encouraging".



US President Donald Trump said Monday he was in close contact with Chinese officials and offered any help that is necessary" to fight the coronavirus outbreak in China.

"We are in Very close communication with China concerning the virus," Trump said in a tweet. "Very few cases reported in the USA, but strongly on watch. We have offered China and President Xi any help that is necessary. Our experts are extraordinary!"

In early trading Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 424 points, or 1.5 percent. By midday, the market had regained about 50 points, but still remained down about 1.28 percent. Investors bought bonds as a safe haven.

Airline, cruise and hotel stocks dropped on fears that the virus could limit global travel.

Officials in China said there are now about 2,800 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and the death toll has risen to 81. The elderly and infirm are most vulnerable to the flu-like disease.

Bloomberg news reported that China's markets will remain closed until Feb 3 after officials extended the Lunar New Year break three days as part of the effort to contain the virus. Trading will resume next Monday in Shanghai and Shenzhen, but authorities advised that most companies shouldn't resume work until at least Feb 9.

China's government has imposed strict limits on travel in Hubei province where the outbreak was detected and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned travelers to stay away from that part of China.

Dr Paul Stoffels, Johnson & Johnson's chief scientific officer, said the drug-maker can develop a vaccine in a few months to fight the coronavirus but that it could take as much as a year to bring it to market.

"We have dozens of scientists working on this so we're pretty confident we can get something made that will work and stay active for the longer term," he told CNBC. "We'll see in the next few weeks how this goes."

In the US, five travelers from Wuhan have been confirmed to have been infected with the virus in Arizona, California, Illinois and Washington state. The virus has also spread from China to other Asian countries, including Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Singapore.

"Person-to-person spread in the United States has not yet been detected, but it's likely to occur to some extent," the CDC said in an advisory posted to its website. "It's important to note that person-to-person spread can happen on a continuum. Some viruses are highly contagious — like measles — while other viruses are less so. It's important to know that in order to assess the risk posed by this virus."

Nevertheless, the CDC said more cases in the US are "likely" to be detected, including in the US. The virus could be spread person-to-person and it "would not be surprising" if the virus were spread in some hospitals.

The CDC is screening passengers on direct and connecting flights from Wuhan at five major airports: Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.

CDC teams have been sent to Illinois and Washington state to assist in on-going investigations of the virus.

The CDC recommends getting a flu shot and taking routine preventative actions such as frequent and vigorous hand-washing, especially after going into public places or riding public transportation.

On Sunday, the US State Department said it will organize a single flight to evacuate diplomats and a few private citizens from the central China city of Wuhan where the virus broke out last month. The plane is expected to leave Tuesday and fly to San Francisco.

The coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surfaces. Most infections are limited to animals, including pigs and cats. In recent years, the coronaviruses have caused worldwide outbreak among humans, but officials don't know how easily the current strain of the virus is spread between people, the CDC said.

Researchers have identified seven strains of the virus known to infect humans. Most strains lead to common colds, but two are known to be deadly and cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), the CDC said.



Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xianwang admitted on Monday that the local government failed to disclose information in a reasonable time frame in the early stages of the novel coronavirus epidemic.

"We understand that the public is unsatisfied with our information disclosure. On one hand, we failed to disclose relevant information in a timely manner; on the other, we did not make sufficient use of valid information to improve our work," he said in an interview with China Central Television.

"As for the late disclosure, I hope the public can understand that it's an infectious disease, and relevant information should be released according to the law," he said. "As a local government, we can only disclose information after being authorized."

Zhou also said that the leading officials in Wuhan would like be sacked if it's conducive to controlling the disease.

"It's unprecedented to lockdown a city with more than 10 million people in human history. However, faced with the current situation, we've closed the city gate and possibly besieged the virus within the city. We might leave a bad name in history," he said.

"But if it's conducive to the control of the virus and the protection of the safety of the people, Ma Guoqiang (the Party chief of Wuhan) and I can shoulder whatever responsibilities," he told CCTV. "We would like to be removed from the office to appease public indignation."

Zhou said that Wuhan is the source area of the new pneumonia, so if authorities can control the city, they can stop the spread of the virus. So, allowing fewer people to go out of Wuhan would be a contribution to the country and even mankind.

"Therefore, according to relevant procedures, we decided to close the channel of leaving Wuhan. From the present point of view, the closure is understandood by Wuhan residents and produced a good effect," Zhou said.



A new broad-spectrum antivirus spray has been put into use at the emergency wards of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, protecting medical staff from the new coronavirus.

Medical employees now can all use the antivirus spray before entering the quarantine area. They would open their mouths to breathe in the spray, and let the medicine access their respiratory tract, providing bioactive protection against infection. It is used alongside the biohazard suits and masks.

The new medicine has been developed by a group of scientists of the emerging and recurring epidemic research institute at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. According to Xu Jianqing, head of the institute, his team spent more than six years developing the new drug for the treatment for infectious diseases in the respiratory tract. Now the drug has proved effective on animal models, reached the criterion for clinical use, and passed the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standard.

The drug has proved effective against the new coronavirus, he told The Paper, a Shanghai-based news portal. The spray has played a positive role in the treatment of early-stage infections, he said. However, the new medicine has not yet acquired the license for market approval, so that it cannot be legitimately used for the clinical treatment of patients. It is now only used on medical staff at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center.

The new spray contains two active ingredients, he explained. One restrains the duplication of the virus and the other controls the process of the virus causing illness in people. The virus made people sick by causing inflammation, he explained. The active ingredients can suppress the inflammation and repair the respiratory tract mucosa.

Also, because the new medicine has not acquired the license for production, it cannot be mass produced in a short period.



Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, the only provincial region that hasn't reported any novel coronavirus cases, has temporarily suspended the operation of all its scenic attractions to tourists starting Monday, according to the local tourism authority.

In line with Tibet's second-level emergency response, the move serves as part of the region's efforts to avoid gatherings of tourists and cross-infections to effectively block the spread of the novel coronavirus in Tibet, said the tourism development bureau of the autonomous region.

Given Tibet's plateau climate and weak healthcare conditions, visitors who insist on traveling to the region will be isolated for a 14-day medical observation and pay for all the expenses themselves, it said.

For people who have already purchased tickets for scenic spots in the region and wish to cancel their trip, local authorities should handle their refund requests free of charge, the bureau said, adding that tourist attractions will not open until further notice.

So far Tibet has not reported any suspected or confirmed cases of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus.



All schools in China should delay the start of the spring semester to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Education said on Monday night.

Centrally administered universities should postpone the start of the new semester, and the exact date for the spring semester should be in line with other locally administered universities, the ministry said.

Students who have returned to their hometown for the Spring Festival should not go back to school without permission, it said.

Locally administered universities, all secondary and primary schools and kindergartens should also delay their spring semester and local education authorities should decide how long the delay will be, the ministry said.

Students are advised not to go outside, attend or host gatherings during the winter holiday. Schools should take epidemic prevention and control measures for students who have stayed at school for the holiday, it said.

All schools should make contingency plans to control and prevent the epidemic after the spring semester starts, keep daily records of students and teachers, and improve their sanitary conditions, the ministry added.



Chinese exit and entry departments will continue to provide convenient services to citizens returning to China, although some countries or regions are prohibiting the entry or departure of people from the key outbreak areas of the novel coronavirus on the Chinese mainland, said the National Immigration Administration on Monday.

Chinese citizens can enter the country normally at the ports open to the outside world by presenting valid exit and entry documents, said the administration on Monday.

Immigration authorities at all levels will cooperate with relevant health and medical institutions to carry out necessary screening of the pneumonia and assist in properly arranging personnel for medical observation or isolation.

To effectively prevent and control the epidemic, protect the health of entry and exit personnel, and maintain entry and exit order, the administration has adjusted the exit and entry administration measures for Chinese citizens in some regions and ports.

The exit and entry administration departments of central China's Hubei province, whose capital city of Wuhan is the outbreak epicenter, have suspended accepting applications for ordinary passports as well as exit and entry permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Special channels will be opened for individual case examination and approval for those who need to leave the Chinese mainland for urgent reasons during this period.

Those who have a valid permit to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, or who are affected by the epidemic and failed to enter the three places within the validity period, can renew their permit of the same type and validity period free of charge after the outbreak is over.

According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control at the port, part of the self-service inspection channels shall be suspended and changed to manual channels.



Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
