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12 October 2019

IRAN ADMITS IT SHOT DOWN PLANE IN ERROR, APOLOGISES AFTER DENIALSIran announced on Saturday that its military "unintentionally" shot down theUkrainian jetliner that crashed earlier this week, killing all 176 aboard,after the government had repeatedly denied Western accusations that it wasresponsible.The plane was shot down early on Wednesday, hours after Iran launched aballistic missile attack on two military bases housing US troops in Iraq inretaliation for the killing of Iranian Gen Qassem Soleimani in an Americanairstrike in Baghdad. No one was wounded in the attack on the bases.A military statement carried by state media said the plane was mistaken fora "hostile target" after it turned towards a "sensitive military centre" ofthe Revolutionary Guard.The military was at its "highest level of readiness", it said, amid theheightened tensions with the United States. "In such a condition, because ofhuman error and in an unintentional way, the flight was hit," the statementsaid. It apologised for the disaster and said it would upgrade its systemsto prevent future tragedies.It also said those responsible for the strike on the plane would beprosecuted.Iran's acknowledgement of responsibility for the crash was likely to inflamepublic sentiment against authorities after Iranians had rallied around theirleaders in the wake of Soleimani's killing.But the vast majority of the plane victims were Iranians orIranian-Canadians, and the crash came just weeks after authorities quashednationwide protests ignited by a hike in gasoline prices.TAIWAN LEADER WINS 2ND TERM IN REBUKE TO BEIJINGTaiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen declared a landslide win in Saturday'selection as voters delivered a stunning rebuke of Beijing's campaign toisolate the self-ruled island and handed its first woman leader a secondterm. Ms. Tsai, 63, announced her victory as thousands of jubilantsupporters cheered and waved flags outside her party headquarters with theongoing vote count revealing an all but unassailable lead."Taiwan is showing the world how much we cherish our free, democratic way oflife and how much we cherish our nation," she told reporters.Her main rival, Han Kuo-yu of the China-friendly Kuomintang (KMT) party, hadconceded defeat shortly beforehand. Official results showed Ms. Tsai wasromping ahead with 57% - more than eight million votes - on Saturdayevening.The Central Election Commission was still counting votes when Ms. Tsaideclared, but Mr. Han knew he could not close the gap.QUEEN TO HOLD PRIVATE MEET WITH FAMILY TO DISCUSS PRINCE HARRY AND MEGHAN'SDECISION TO QUIT AS 'SENIOR' ROYALSThe British Queen has reportedly called a private meeting with PrinceCharles, Prince William and Prince Harry to discuss the recent royaldevelopments that have unfolded since Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke andDuchess of Sussex, announced their decision last week to "step back as'senior' members of the royal family" and work towards becoming "financiallyindependent."The Royal family will attend the meeting on Monday at the queen'sSandringham estate, a Buckingham Palace source told CNN. Meghan is alsoexpected to call into the meeting from Canada.The Sussexes said last week that their decision to step back came "aftermany months of reflection and internal discussions." The Duchess of Sussexhas since returned to Canada, where the couple spent the holidays with hermother. It's unclear when Meghan will return to the UK from Canada.MERKEL, PUTIN DISCUSS WEST ASIA AT KREMLINGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel met Russian President Vladimir Putin at theKremlin on Saturday for talks set to focus on flashpoints in the West Asianregion. Ms. Merkel and Mr. Putin shook hands at the start of the meetingwhich the German leader said would cover topics, including turmoil in Libyaand the Syria conflict as well as Ukraine's war with pro-Russianseparatists."There is a lot to discuss," said Ms. Merkel, adding that "talking with oneanother is always better than talking about one another." Mr. Putin thankedthe Chancellor for visiting and said they would focus on "the hottest"topics.Germany and Russia said ahead of the talks that they would cover theconfrontation between Washington and Tehran over the U.S. killing of a topIranian general and turmoil in Libya. The visit by Ms. Merkel was her firstto Russia since May 2018 when the leaders met at Mr. Putin's Black Searesidence.Mr. Putin visited Syria and Turkey this week and is keen to stress his roleas a regional powerbroker. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, whoaccompanied Ms. Merkel, said a "key reason" for the meeting was theescalating crisis in Libya, where Berlin is acting as a mediator in aconflict he has warned could become a "second Syria". Ms. Merkel is toinvite Mr. Putin to a Berlin conference on Libya later this month,diplomatic sources told AFP. Mr. Putin and Turkish President Recep TayyipErdogan called for a ceasefire in Libya on Wednesday, although they are seenas supporting opposing sides in the conflict.While Turkey has sent troops to support the UN-backed Tripoli government,Moscow is accused of backing mercenaries supporting strongman Khalifa Haftarin his fight against the government.LIBYAN FORCES LOYAL TO HAFTAR ANNOUNCES CONDITIONAL CEASEFIRE: SPOKESMANLibya forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar announced onJanuary 11 a ceasefire starting 00:01 a.m. (03:31 IST) on January 12conditional on acceptance by their rivals, spokesman Ahmed Mismari said in astatement.Turkey and Russia urged Libya's warring parties on January 8 to declare aceasefire on January 12 amid clashes and air strikes in a conflict drawingincreasing foreign involvement and concern.Turkey backs Fayez al-Serraj's Tripoli-based, internationally recognisedGovernment of National Accord (GNA), while Russian military contractors havebeen deployed alongside General Khalifa Haftar's eastern-based LibyanNational Army (LNA).TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO KIM NOT ENOUGH TO RESTART TALKS: N. KOREANorth Korea has received birthday greetings to its leader Kim Jong-un fromU.S. President Donald Trump, but their personal relationship is not enoughfor a return to talks, according to a statement published by state newsagency KCNA.The comments on Saturday come against the backdrop of stalleddenuclearisation talks following a flurry of diplomacy between the U.S. andNorth Korea in 2018 and early 2019.While Mr. Kim could personally like Mr. Trump, he would not lead his countryon the basis of personal feelings, Kim Kye-gwan, an adviser to the NorthKorean Foreign Ministry, said in the statement. "Although Chairman KimJong-un has good personal feelings about President Trump, they are, in thetrue sense of the word, 'personal'," he said. "We have been deceived by theUnited States, being caught in the dialogue with it for over one year and ahalf, and that was the lost time for us."North Korea will not discuss proposals such as those Mr. Trump made at hislast summit with Mr. Kim in Hanoi in February 2019, the Foreign Ministryadviser said. The North will not give up its nuclear facilities for partialsanctions relief, and will only return to talks when the U.S. makesconcessions, he added. "The reopening of dialogue between the DPRK and theU.S. may be possible only under the condition of the latter's absoluteagreement on the issues raised by the former, but we know well that the neither ready nor able to do so."'Seoul not a mediator'The North Korean adviser also cautioned South Korea to steer clear of tiesbetween the North and the U.S., saying it should not seek "to play amediator role".On Friday, a South Korean official said Mr. Trump had asked the SouthKoreans to pass on birthday greetings to North Korea. For South Korea tomeddle in personal relations between Mr. Kim and Mr. Trump was"presumptuous", the North Korean adviser said, adding that the North hadalready directly received from Mr. Trump a letter with the greetings.UK AMBASSADOR TO IRAN ARRESTED: BRITISH GOVERNMENTIranian authorities briefly detained Britain's ambassador in Tehran onSaturday, according to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, after he wasreportedly arrested during protests against the regime."The arrest of our ambassador in Tehran without grounds or explanation is aflagrant violation of international law," Mr. Raab said in a statement afterthe detention of Rob Macaire.The minister warned Iran that it was "at a cross-roads moment", and had tochoose between "its march towards pariah status" or "take steps tode-escalate tensions and engage in a diplomatic path forwards."Mr. Macaire was arrested for allegedly "inciting" protesters in Tehran angryat the military's accidental downing of a Ukranian passenger jet, killing176 people, most of them Iranian citizens, according to the Daily Mail.He was released after around an hour, it added.President Hassan Rouhani said a military probe into the tragedy had found"missiles fired due to human error" brought down the Boeing 737, calling itan "unforgivable mistake".The admission was an "important first step", Prime Minister Boris Johnsonsaid earlier Saturday."We will do everything we can to support the families of the four Britishvictims and ensure they get the answers and closure they deserve," he saidin a statement issued by his Downing Street office.OMAN NAMES CULTURE MINISTER AS SUCCESSOR TO DECEASED SULTAN QABOOSOman announced Saturday culture minister Haitham bin Tariq Al Said as thenew ruler of the Gulf Arab country, ending speculation over the mystery ofwho would succeed longtime ruler Sultan Qaboos bin Said.The announcement on Omani state television was read over footage showingthousands gathered in the capital, Muscat, for the funeral of Sultan Qabooswho ruled the country for 50 years and did not have any children. His choiceof successor was a closely guarded secret believed to have been known onlyto the sultan."It is a sad day in Oman, but also represents a new beginning with a newleader," a presenter on state TV said soberly.Qaboos, the Middle East's longest-ruling monarch, came to power when hedeposed his father in a 1970 palace coup. He was known internationally forhis diplomatic balancing in the Persian Gulf. Under his leadership, Omanoften served as a facilitator of talks between adversaries, including Iranand the U.S.The new sultan vowed in an address carried on Omani state TV to continue theforeign policy approach of Qaboos, one that he said is based on peacefulcoexistence between nations and on non-interference.

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Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
