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26 March 2020



MANILA -- The Philippines has the economic "firepower" to fight the

coronavirus pandemic and can draw from the International Monetary Fund's

emergency financing, the Washington-based lender said Thursday.

Manila has high international reserves, low public debt, and fiscal space

both to spend more and increase liquidity in the banking system, said IMF

representative to the Philippines Yongzheng Yang.

"This gives you the firepower to fight the virus," he told ANC.

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas in the last week cut the benchmark interest

rate by 50 basis points, cut the reserve requirement ratio for banks by 200

basis points and announced that it would buy P300 billion in government


Should the Philippines avail of IMF financing, it will carry 1.5-percent

interest, payable for up to 5 years and with a 3-year grace period, he said.

"It is very important to have a unified approach, coordinated approach

versus the virus," he said. "The virus affects all aspects of our lives. To

be effective in this fight, you need a whole of government and whole of

society approach."





MANILA — Filipino resiliency in times of crisis will help the nation pull

through in the fight against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),

President Duterte said on Tuesday night, after he assured Filipinos that the

government is on top of the situation.

“Nothing is more formidable and resilient than the Filipino spirit. Matindi

ang kalaban (The enemy is formidable). But we will not surrender. Hindi tayo

susuko. Tayo ay lalaban (We will fight),” Duterte said.

He appealed for “more understanding and utmost cooperation” from the public,

expressing belief that “we will emerge triumphant” in the war against


“Yes, things will not be easy. [But] we Filipinos are tough. Mas malakas ang

Pilipino sa anumang hamon. Now, we all must do what we can and must. Para sa

ating bayan,” he said, noting that Filipinos are not one to back out of a

fight, especially if itÂ’s for country.

“I look forward to the day that we Filipinos can finally claim victory [in]

this war and emerge as a stronger and more united Filipinos and

Philippines,” Duterte said.

DuterteÂ’s long-awaited assurance to the public came amid a cloud of

uncertainty after several private hospitals in Metro Manila announced that

they are no longer accepting patients infected with COVID-19 since they have

reached full capacity.

At least five doctors have died, while scores of health professionals were

either sick or quarantined due to the disease.

“To the Filipino people, rest assured that your entire government is working

hand-in-hand to safeguard your health, safety and well-being in the face of

the threat posed by COVID-19,” the President said.

“We will address all the different issues brought about by this pandemic as

well as ensure the protection of all of our people, especially those who are

serving in the frontlines,” the President said.

Duterte assured the public that the government is ready to provide food,

water and other essentials throughout this ordeal.





MANILA — If all protocols are followed, the government is hoping to arrest

the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by the end of the enhanced community

quarantine on April 14.

Government officials are also expecting that there would be no need to

expand the quarantine policy to the Visayas and Mindanao to enable the

countryÂ’s southern section to function normally while also being cautious

about the virus spread.

In a press briefing at Malacañang yesterday, Interior and Local Government

Secretary Eduardo Año said the government wants to “flatten the curve” by

mid-April following President DuterteÂ’s strict orders for a lockdown and

social distancing.

Año, vice chairman of the National Action Plan on COVID-19, said the

Philippines can prevent a situation similar to that of Italy, which has so

far recorded 17,000 infected cases and almost 7,000 deaths.

“Our objective is flatten the curve so that we can still be within our

capacity to treat cases of positive patients. If we wonÂ’t act, (our

situation) will become similar to Italy, where we would just let people die

because we cannot treat (patients) anymore,” he added.

“We are not the same as rich countries like South Korea that can conduct

15,000 tests a day. The solution for us is to impose the enhanced community

quarantine so that everybody will distance and keep himself locked in their

homes,” Año said.

Following DuterteÂ’s declaration of a state of public health emergency, Año

said the Philippines is a step ahead of everyone, citing Spain, the United

States and Italy which are among the countries that have high numbers of

COVID-19 cases.

“Let me remind everyone that we are always one step ahead of others, like

Spain, Italy and even US. If we do not implement draconian measures like

these, we would be ending up like at least half of ItalyÂ’s condition now

because of the spread of virus,” Año said.?“We might reach the five-digit

mark if the draconian measures are not imposed,” he said.





MANILA — Following reports of inconsistencies and abuses being committed by

village officers in the implementation of the enhanced community quarantine,

the Philippine National Police (PNP) has placed all barangay checkpoints

under its supervision.

PNP Directorate for Operations director Maj. Gen. Emmanuel Luis Licup issued

the directive that placed under police control all quarantine control points

(QCPs) or checkpoints established by local and barangay officials.

“All unit commanders/COPs (chiefs of police) shall ensure that all

established QCPs at the municipal and barangay levels are properly

supervised,” Licup said yesterday.

He said all checkpoints would only be operated with the supervision of

police officers.

Licup said this would ensure the guidelines laid out by President Duterte

and the Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) are


Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya, spokesman for the Department of the Interior

and Local Government (DILG), said they received reports that the movement of

cargo trucks delivering food, medicines and other basic commodities are

being restricted at checkpoints.

The agency has also received complaints from citizens of arrogant barangay

peacekeeping officers manning checkpoints.

The checkpoints were put in place to restrict the movement of people who

should be in their homes during the quarantine period to contain the

coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).





SULU — Government security forces rescued in Sulu on Tuesday a doctor

kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf bandits in Jolo in February.

Daniel Moreno was recovered by personnel of the 11th Military Intelligence

Battalion in Barangay Bangalan, Indanan town at around 7:30 p.m., according

to Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana of the Western Mindanao Command.

Moreno was brought to a military hospital at Camp Gen. Teodulfo Bautista

while government troopers engaged the bandits led by a certain Mundi

Sawadjaan in a gunfight.

Moreno was snatched at his clinic in Barangay Walled City on Feb. 4.

The bandits reportedly demanded ransom of P3 million. Reports that the Moro

National Liberation Front helped in the recovery of the victim have yet to

be confirmed.

Five Indonesian fishermen seized off Lahad Datu in Sabah on Jan. 17 remain

in the hands of the Abu Sayyaf.

The bandits are reportedly demanding P30 million for the release of the






MANILA - Sen. Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III denied Thursday that he violated

self-quarantine before finding out that he was positive for COVID-19

infection, saying he had already limited his movements after the Senate


Pimentel on Tuesday night brought his pregnant wife to the Makati Medical

Center (MMC) for scheduled delivery. He said he found out about his COVID-19

positive test result 2 hours after arriving at the hospital.

Based on DOH guidelines, a person under investigation (PUI) for the virus

must complete a 14-day quarantine period.

Pimentel, however, said "nobody had imposed" a quarantine on him.

"But to cooperate with the enhanced community quarantine, hindi rin naman po

ako lumalabas. With or without quarantine hindi naman po ako lakwatsero. IÂ’m

a homebody. Natural po sa akin just to stay at home," he told ANC.

"ThereÂ’s no real official count because when the official session ended

March 11, I limited already all my movements. Parang quarantine na rin po

'yun diba? Only essential movements."

The MMC has denounced Pimentel's actions for going to the hospital's

delivery complex, saying the senator exposed health workers to possible


Pimentel, who said he was no longer experiencing symptoms, apologized to the

hospital, saying he is open to any communication with the MMC.

"IÂ’d like to extend my apologies to the Makati Medical Center, please tell

me how I can make it up to you. Just allow me in the meantime to recover and

of course please give focus on my wife and the two lives which are involved

here, which are at stake," he said.

"I hope for the understanding of the public, I never meant harm to anyone.

Hindi ko po talaga alam na may resulta na ako when I went to the hospital."

"I never intended to breach any protocol but I realize now, unnecessarily

caused additional anguish, concern to the courageous healthcare workers who

we all depend on. I was simply there to be with my wife during the birth of

my daughter."

He said the COVID-19 test result of his wife might be released Thursday.

"I have requested RITM (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine) to give

the result directly to the patient and of course the hospital," he said.

He added that his wife's Caesarean delivery has been "held up" but that the

hospital assured an "experienced team" will handle the delivery.

"The doctors have assured me that this has been done before. One hospital

was even mentioned to me as having not less than 4 babies from

COVID-positive mothers," he said.

The Department of Justice will not yet investigate Pimentel until a formal

complaint is filed.





MANILA - Some 22 nurses of the Makati Medical Center are in home quarantine

following exposure to COVID-19 patients, its medical director said Thursday.

Some health workers have been cleared to go back to work even if they did

not complete their 14-day quarantine following some guidelines, according to

Dr. Saturnino Javier.

"If you donÂ’t develop symptoms between 5-7 days, and your level of exposure

is low to moderate you may be cleared to go back to work but you will still

be wearing a mask," he told ANC.

"We cannot strictly enforce the 14 days. Otherwise mauubusan tayo ng


Javier has said Sen. Aquilino Pimentel III, a COVID-19 patient who brought

his pregnant wife to the hospital on Tuesday, had exposed 6 to 8 medical

personnel to the virus. It was not immediately clear if they are among the

hospital's staff under self-quarantine.

The private facility on Tuesday said it has reached its “threshold in its

capability to respond to more COVID-19 cases.”






MANILA — Former Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has undergone a test

for COVID-19, his sister, Sen. Imee Marcos said.

News5 reported that Imee confirmed that Bongbong returned from a trip in

Spain “unwell.”

Bongbong underwent a test for the novel coronavirus disease two days ago and

results have yet to be released.

“Finally got a test two nights ago, getting better at home, (pero) wala pang

result,” Imee was quoted as saying.

Rumors of Bongbong being intubated at a hospital for a supposed pneumonia

diagnosis swirled Wednesday night.

A STAR report dated March 24 meanwhile said that Imee was advised by her

doctors to avoid public gatherings since she has a cough.

At least three lawmakers have announced that they tested positive on

COVID-19. They are Sens. Miguel Zubiri and Koko Pimentel, and Rep. Eric Yap

(ACT-CIS party-list).





MANILA - Patients who died due to the novel coronavirus are deprived of

traditional funeral rites as bodies must be buried 12 hours after death.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said protocols are in place on how

remains of patients suspected to have the virus and those who tested

positive for COVID-19 are handled.

"Dahil ito ay bagong virus, mabuti 'yung may extra precautions kaya nga sabi

natin 'yung kanilang cadaver bag balutin talaga, selyado at spray-an ng

sodium hydrochloride. Maige na 'yun na magkamali man, magkamali sa panig ng

kaligtasan," he said in a radio DZMM interview.

The Philippines has so far recorded 38 deaths from COVID-19 as of Wednesday.

The total confirmed COVID-19 cases is now at 636.

But the deadly virus is depriving grieving families the right to give their

departed loved ones a dignified send-off.

"Sa Italy nagtetext o nag vi-video nagpapaalam dahil halos wala nang burial

rites. Dire-direcho na lang," he said.

On Wednesday, the Philippine government released the guidelines on handling

of COVID-19 fatalities and warned funeral service facilities with penalties

if they refuse to provide services.





MANILA — The National Bureau of Investigation arrested a doctor for selling

overpriced thermal scanners that were donated to an association he was

allegedly representing.

Justice Undersecretary Markk Perete said Wednesday that agents of the NBI

Special Action Unit arrested Dr. Cedric John Sarmiento De Castro on Tuesday

for selling overpriced thermal scanners at P9,500 each.

De Castro is also allegedly the chapter president of Lions Club in New

Manila, Quezon City.

In his capacity as the chair of the non-governmental association, he

received donations of thermal scanners.

“De Castro was selling a total of 150 pieces thermal scanners for P1.2

million. The suggested retail price for thermal scanners ranges from P800 to

P1500 in the market,” the statement read.

De Castro is also allegedly the chapter president of Lions Club in New

Manila, Quezon City.

In his capacity as the chair of the non-governmental association, he

received donations of thermal scanners.

“De Castro was selling a total of 150 pieces thermal scanners for P1.2

million. The suggested retail price for thermal scanners ranges from P800 to

P1500 in the market,” the statement read.

Perete, quoting the NBI, said that the doctor was brought to the bureauÂ’s

office for booking procedures.

He will also be brought to the Quezon City prosecutorÂ’s office on Wednesday

for inquest.

De Castro will face complaints of profiteering and hoarding.

Profiteering and hoarding are among the acts punished under Republic Act

7581 or the “Price Act.”








LONDON – UFC star Conor McGregor has spent one million euros on protective

equipment for hospital staff treating patients with the coronavirus in


McGregor sent a message to the Republic of Ireland's Minister for Finance

Paschal Donohoe and revealed the contents on his Twitter page.

Donohoe had written to McGregor asking him to tell his 7.9 million Twitter

followers to practice social distancing.

"Today I am purchasing myself, one million euro worth of personal protective

equipment to be deployed to all the fighting hospitals in the Leinster

region. Our most affected region, to this date," McGregor said.

"St James's, Mater, Tallaght, Beaumont, Vincent's (hospitals). Where we

would be without these brave men and women, I do not know. May God bless

over them and keep them safe!"

McGregor called on the Irish government to go further in their efforts to

fight the virus and implement more stringent lock-down measures.

"I feel like we are moving in the right way, it just feels to me like it is

not all the way," he said.

"I urge all the way! 'All in' is the term we must use here. Bit by bit will

cost us lives.

"To see what is happening here in Ireland and all across the globe is

heartbreaking to me. I pray.

"God speed Minister and thank you for the message, and your service to our






FOREX $1 = P 51.14





The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things.

He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things. - Ronald


Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
