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18 May 2020

COVID-POSITIVE OFWS FLEE QUARANTINE – PCGMANILA — An unknown number of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), some of whomtested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), have escaped fromhotels that are being used as quarantine facilities in Metro Manila.Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) spokesman Commodore Armand Balilo yesterdayconfirmed there were OFWs who fled from quarantine.“I do not have the details as to how many OFWs escaped from the quarantinefacilities, but the swab test results of some of them later showed that theywere positive for COVID-19,” Balilo said.The PCG is leaving it to the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) to confirm andannounce the number of OFWs who tested positive.The PCG has reportedly sent tracker teams to locate the whereabouts of theseOFWs who skipped quarantine, and coordinated with the local authorities inthe areas where the workers reside.Balilo said the OFWs who escaped from quarantine facilities face possiblesanctions for violating the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act.He explained that some of those who escaped did not even complete their14-day quarantine period, while others grew tired of waiting for their swabtest results conducted by the PCG and the BOQ. The specimens were brought tothe laboratory run by the Philippine Red Cross (PRC).The hotels, temporarily converted into quarantine facilities, are secured bythe PCG but the “house parents” are personnel of the Overseas WorkersWelfare Administration (OWWA).“We have been warning them not to leave the facility. We understand thatthey are restless and want to return home and be with their families. Somewould stay at the facility for 15 days and others even 25 days but we justhave to test (and) process so that they would not be carriers of theCOVID-19 disease and not spread the disease to their family members,” Balilosaid.QC HALL OF JUSTICE UNDER LOCKDOWNThe Hall of Justice of the Quezon City will be on lockdown starting May 18until further notice.The Office of the Executive Judge clarified that an employee of an agencyholding office at the building died of severe pneumonia and suspectedCOVID-19. The employee reportedly went to the building a few days beforedying.Due to the closure, all initiatory pleadings in both civil and criminalcases, will be filed electronically and will be received by the clerk ofcourt through their official email addresses.GOVERNMENT SCRAMBLES FUND SEARCH FOR BIGGER DSWD CASH AIDMANILA — A last-minute government scramble to search for more funds toassist 23 million poor households is creating confusion and delayingmuch-needed assistance for people displaced by the coronavirus outbreak andstate-initiated lockdowns.The problem emanates from the Duterte administrationÂ’s abrupt decision toinclude 5 million more households to the original 17.96 million families thegovernment long programmed to assist for April and May, beneficiaries whohave not been entirely reached by the Department of Social Welfare andDevelopment (DSWD).“If everyone will be given the second tranche (of aid), we will really needa bigger funding,” Budget Secretary Wendel Avisado said in a text message onFriday evening.It was unclear how much more money is needed, especially since DSWD alreadyholds the complete P205-billion budget for the social amelioration programsince the middle of April. All would have been smooth sailing from there,until presidential spokesperson Harry Roque announced last week anadditional 5 million household beneficiaries, which in effect also increasesthe programÂ’s budget needs.To make matters worse, an initial plan to only assist areas under enhancedcommunity quarantine (ECQ) and exclude places under general communityquarantine (GCQ) is currently being reconsidered, especially since doing sowould appear to violate Republic Act No. 11469 mandating assistance for “twomonths.”DILG DENIES CHARTER CHANGE SIGNATURE DRIVE DURING CORONAVIRUS PANDEMICMANILA - Interior Secretary Eduardo Año on Monday denied a report that itwas collecting 2 million signatures in support of constitutional amendmentsas the country fought the COVID-19 pandemic.A Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) report over the weekend said theDepartment of the Interior and Local Government has shifted its signaturecampaign online during the pandemic."That is fake news and I donÂ’t want people to pay attention to that. ThatÂ’stotally false and we have never done anything like that especially duringthis time of crisis," Año told ANC.According to the PDI report, DILG Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya, in amemorandum dated Jan. 28, said the collected signatures would be presentedto Congress to show the support the agency has gathered for constitutionalreform.Malaya, in phone call with PDI Saturday, said regional directors have beenordered to stop collecting signatures and "focus all attention on anti-COVIDefforts."Senators Franklin Drilon and Kiko Pangilinan told the DILG to focus onefforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the country instead of moves toamend the Constitution, with the former saying it was a “total waste of timeand resources.”In December, members of the House Committee on Constitutional Amendmentsapproved four proposals to change the Constitution.PALACE: SAP FOR GCQ AREAS IF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET PASSEDMANILA — Households in areas where quarantine measures have been relaxedwill receive aid if Congress passes a supplemental budget to fund thegovernmentÂ’s Social Amelioration Program (SAP).Presidential spokesman Harry Roque Jr. yesterday said the existing budgetfor SAP would not be enough to cover all the areas placed under quarantinedue to the coronavirus pandemic.?Roque said the government had intended todistribute the second tranche of SAP only in areas still under enhancedcommunity quarantine (ECQ).“Because the P205-billion funding is limited and because we have givenassistance to 23 million (households), not just 18 million for the firsttranche, there wonÂ’t be enough funds for the second tranche if we give aidto everyone,” Roque told radio station dzBB in Filipino.“The question now iswhether we have enough funds that can be realigned (for coronavirusresponse). If we have, then there is no problem. If we donÂ’t, and theleadership of the Senate, especially Senate President Tito Sotto, wantseveryone to receive aid, then we need to pass a supplemental budget,” hesaid.Asked whether areas under the more lenient general community quarantine(GCQ) would be given subsidies once the government finds funding sources,Roque replied: “Yes. For now, only those in areas that are under ECQ or MECQ(modified enhanced community quarantine) are assured of aid.” “The messageof the President is, in his heart, he wants everyone to be given aid. Wewill see if it can be done, if we can find (sources) of revenue,” he added.?Economic managers have noted that the government could not have asupplemental budget if it has not identified sources of funds.On Friday, Roque announced that President Duterte would seek a supplementalbudget to bankroll the second tranche of emergency aid program for sectorssidelined by the quarantine.SENATORS SLAM ‘SNEAKYÂ’ CHA-CHA MOVESMANILA — Senators slammed yesterday the move of the Department of theInterior and Local Government (DILG) to continue its campaign for Charterchange as the country struggles to combat the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic.Senate President Vicente Sotto III said this is not the time for the DILG to“indulge” in Charter change, particularly the gathering of two millionsignatures to support it.“They should focus more on the safety and food security of the people. IÂ’msure the President has not ordered anything to that effect,” Sotto toldreporters.Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon hit the DILG for pushing Charterchange amid the pandemic, calling it “a total waste of time and resources.”“While Filipinos have nothing to eat and have lost their jobs, we will forcefeed them with Cha-cha?” Drilon said in a statement yesterday.“We are in the middle of a pandemic. The country is grappling to containCOVID-19 and deal with its aftermath. To talk about Cha-cha is the height ofinsensitivity,” he said.The media reported about ongoing efforts by the DILG to gather up to twomillion signatures over the next two months to back amendments to theConstitution, which will be submitted to Congress in July.Drilon also warned the DILG not to use COVID-19 activities to promoteCha-cha and advance their agenda as “it will only create distraction,division and unnecessary noise.”THE REST========‘PHILIPPINES HAS ENOUGH EVACUATION CENTERSÂ’MANILA — Malacañang has assured the public that the country has enoughevacuation centers for communities affected by Tropical Storm Ambo, whichbattered several areas last week.Eastern Samar Gov. Ben Evardone had said the crowding at evacuation centers,originally set aside as coronavirus quarantine facilities in his province,was “a nightmare,” with physical distancing impossible to observe.“We are prepared for the storm. We have Oplan Listo. We have enough reliefgoods and evacuation centers. I think some members of the private sectorhave donated permanent evacuation centers,” presidential spokesman HarryRoque Jr. said yesterday.However, the governmentÂ’s plan to build evacuation centers in disaster-proneareas has been put on hold because of the coronavirus pandemic.“All of our plans were set aside because we are focused on COVID-19(coronavirus disease 2019) now,” Roque told dzBB last Saturday when askedabout the status of the plan to construct evacuation centers in variousregions.The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Amboaffected close to 10,000 families or more than 40,000 persons. In theCalabarzon, Bicol, Cordillera and Eastern Visayas areas, more than 18,000families or about 70,000 individuals were evacuated.It is not clear if Duterte will visit the devastated areas as thepresidential security aides are still assessing the situation.500,000 RAPID TEST KITS ARRIVE IN PHILIPPINESMANILA — The first batch of more than 500,000 antibody rapid test kits forprivate sector-led Project Antibody Rapid Test Kit (ARK) has arrived in thecountry.In a statement yesterday, Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship and GoNegosyo Founder Joey Concepcion said the first batch of rapid test kitswould be used by 205 partner companies for screening their employees tosafely reopen their businesses.Under Project ARK, which seeks to ramp up testing in the country,participating private sector companies would screen their employees forcoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Companies also have an option to purchase test kits to be used for residentsin nearby barangays.Firms are donating reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)machines to hospitals under the project.“On May 19 and 20, we are flying in two planeloads of PCR - swab testingequipment (including automated extractor machines), donated by our privatesector donors. This is also our initiative in support for expanding the RT -PCR tests in government and selected private hospitals,” Concepcion said.“Through the collaborative effort of DOH (Department of Health), Red CrossPhilippines and Go Negosyo partners, we should be looking at 30,000 tests aday in 45 days, and hopefully within the next three months, we would attain50,000 tests,” he added.SINAS 'HARD TO REPLACE', WILL STAY AS METRO MANILA TOP COP: PNP CHIEFMANILA - Metro Manila police chief Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas will remain in hispost as the country battles the COVID-19 pandemic, the chief of PhilippineNational Police said, even after Sinas' supposed violations of quarantinemeasures.Sinas and 18 others were charged Friday for allegedly violating pandemicprotocols by allowing and participating in a mass gathering for hisbirthday."Yes, I hope the public would understand kasi nandito tayo sa emergencysituation, pag palitan mo siya, we will never know. Napakahirap palitandahil ang dami niyang programa in relation to COVID," PNP chief Gen. ArchieGamboa told ABS-CBN's Teleradyo when asked if Sinas would remain in hisposition.Sinas also put a stop to illegal gambling when he took over the Metro ManilaPolice, he added.As of posting, the PNP has 234 cases of COVID-19, with 4 deaths and 69recoveries, according to Gamboa. Half of the patients are from the MetroManila Police, he said.Sinas is facing administrative charges of less grave neglect of duty andless grave misconduct, which may be upgraded in the course of trial,according to the chief PNP.The administrative cases against the Metro Manila police chief have beenforwarded to Malacañang for clearance of investigation, Gamboa said.The charges carry a maximum sanction of 60-day suspension, according to thePNP.MALLS MUST STAY SHUT IF SHOPPERS DEFY COVID-19 PROTOCOLS: MMDAMANILA -- Malls should stay shut if they are unable to enforce physicaldistancing and safety protocols against the COVID-19 pandemic, theMetropolitan Manila Development Authority said Monday.People thronged the shopping centers over the weekend as the governmentstarted easing a 2-month long lockdown in Metro Manila and urban centers tostop the economy from shrinking.Photos of crowded corridors, a violation of physical distancing protocols,went viral on social media and caused alarm. Mall operators have called onthe public to observe new safety rules."Kung hindi n'yo kaya ang responsibilidad na paigtingin ang physicaldistancing, mga mask, ganyan e huwag po kayong magbukas... Huwag natinggawin ang mall e maging center ng COVID," said MMDA General Manager JojoGarcia, addressing mall owners.An inter-agency task force earlier told the public to stay at least 1 meterapart and wear masks to minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission. Mallsthat defy physical distancing measures and curfew hours will be closed, theinterior department said Sunday.CAVITE CLOSES ALL MALLS AFTER SHOPPERS SNUB CORONAVIRUS RULESMANILA - All malls in Cavite are temporarily closed again after shoppersviolated physical distancing rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19,Governor Jonvic Remulla said Monday, after cases of the respiratory diseasespiked in the province.Cavite and other low-risk areas on the country were placed under the lessstringent general community quarantine or GCQ last Saturday.Some residents used their employee's pass outside office hours so they couldstroll around malls, while others misused their quarantine pass and ate atrestaurants even though these are limited to take-out and delivery services,Remulla said on Facebook.COVID-19 cases in the province that lies south of the capital climbed to 275as of Sunday from 239 on Wednesday, he said."Wala po nakitang pinasusunod na patakaran ukol sa social distancing. Kungakala ng lahat ay kung pati sa mall ay PNP pa rin ay para na rin ninyosinabi na kalimutan na ang ibang trabaho at sitahin na lang ang nasa mall,"Remulla said.Malls in the province, including their supermarkets and drug stores, will beclosed until measures are in place to ensure physical distancing, he said."Sandali lamang Ito hanggang maka bigay Ng plano ang may kanya ukol sasocial distancing," said the governor.MMDA: NUMBER CODING REMAINS SUSPENDEDMANILA — The number coding scheme will remain suspended even after theNational Capital Region transitioned into modified enhanced communityquarantine on Saturday, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)said yesterday.The MMDA noticed an increase in the number of cars passing through EDSA andother major roads over the weekend.With the partial reopening of malls, private cars and motorcycles chokedquarantine checkpoints along major thoroughfares in the metropolis.Jose Garcia, general manager of the MMDA, said the number coding schemewould not be lifted.“It will remain suspended indefinitely,” Garcia said.3 ABU SAYYAF BANDITS SLAIN IN SULU ENCOUNTERSZAMBOANGA CITY — Three suspected Abu Sayyaf bandits were killed while fiveArmy troopers were wounded in two clashes that broke out in the hinterlandsof Patikul in Sulu on Saturday.Troopers of the ArmyÂ’s 21st Infantry Battalion (IB) led by Lt. Col. GeraldMonfort exchanged fire with the followers of Abu Sayyaf sub-leader EllamNasirin in Sitio Tubig Paliya, Barangay Danag at around 10:44 a.m.The firefight lasted one hour and resulted in the death of three bandits,according to Maj. Arvin John Encinas, spokesman for the Western MindanaoCommand (Westmincom).SPORTSBAYERN MUNICH WINS AS GERMAN SOCCER RESTART CONTINUESDefending champion Bayern Munich returned to action Sunday with a 2-0 win atUnion Berlin as the restart of German soccer continued in empty stadiums.Players' shouts echoed off the empty rows of concrete terracing aroundUnion's stadium as Bayern moved closer to an eighth straight league title.As at all games in the Bundesliga this weekend, players wore masks when noton the field and substitutes sat apart from one another in the stands.Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer said it was "a question of motivation ofattitude" to succeed without fans in the stadium and that the game seemed totake longer than usual. "The minutes are always very long at a game withoutfans," Neuer said.Robert Lewandowski gave Bayern the lead with a penalty in the 30th minutefollowing a mistimed challenge by Union's Neven Subotic. It wasLewandowski's 40th goal of the season in all club competitions. Union heldoff Bayern for most of the second half but Benjamin Pavard scored a secondin the 80th.Union played without head coach Urs Fischer, who had travelled to be withhis family following the death of his father-in-law. The club said Fischerwould only take charge of training again after he tests negative for thecoronavirus twice.Mixed feelings on restartFan groups are split over the restart, much like German society in general.Many clubs have allowed fans to put banners in the empty stands for games.Some groups have taken the opportunity to call for changes in how Germansoccer is run.St. Pauli, a second-division team with a largely left-wing fan base, playedSunday with a large banner along one side of the field reading, "Soccerlives through its fans. Reforms now." On Saturday a banner at Augsburg read,"Soccer will survive, your business is sick!"Polls conducted by German broadcasters ahead of the restart consistentlyindicated that more Germans opposed resuming games than supported the plan.Hertha Berlin faced a backlash over its players' hands-on celebrations inits 3-0 win over Hoffenheim on Saturday. The influential state governor ofBavaria suggested the players should have avoided bodily contact as otherteam.Hertha coach Bruno Labbadia defended his players, saying it was hard tosuppress emotions and players couldn't be treated "like a church choir." Theleague discourages players celebrating together but won't punish them ifthey do.THOUGHT FOR THE DAYCui peccare licet peccat minus – (One who is allowed to sin, sins less.) -Publius Ovidius Naso

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
