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5 January 2020

DUTERTE TO AFP: PROTECT FREEDOM, DEMOCRATIC VALUESMANILA - After several days of not showing up in public, President Dutertepresided over the change of command ceremonies at Camp Aguinaldo in QuezonCity yesterday and gave marching orders to new Armed Forces of thePhilippines (AFP) chief Lt. Gen. Filemon Santos Jr. to protect freedom andthe people's democratic values.Away from the public eye for several days, Duterte read a prepared speechduring the simple rites at the Tejeros Hall that was also attended by formerpresident Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Sens. Ronald dela Rosa and Christopher Goand Moro National Liberation Front founding chairman Nur Misuari.Duterte also assured the military of his full support as he called forsolidarity within the AFP.The 74-year-old commander-in-chief also ordered the new AFP chief tocontinue its mandate to fight all forms of threats against the sovereigntyof the country."Under the command of Gen. Santos, I am confident that the AFP will furtherachieve more milestones in the campaign to protect our freedom anddemocratic values," the President said."It is my hope that you will carry out programs that will elevate thecompetence, the probity and integrity of our uniformed personnel," he added.Duterte told Santos to uphold the integrity of his profession at all timeswhile he leads the military in the fight against security threats to thenation."May this momentous occasion renew your commitment to defend our homelandfrom lingering and emerging security threats as you uphold the safety of ourfamilies and communities," he said.PROBE INTO SAFE PHILIPPINES CCTV PROJECT SOUGHTMANILA - Sen. Leila de Lima on Sunday is calling for an inquiry into theSafe Philippines Project, a planned CCTV surveillance system that will beput up in Metro Manila and in Davao City, saying the China-funded projectmay have risks to national security.Prior to De Lima filing Senate Resolution 275, Senate President Pro TemporeRalph Recto filed a similar resolution as early as January of 2019.The Department of the Interior and Local Government awarded the project toChina International Telecommunication Construction Corporation to build andinstall the system in November 2018.The project seeks to install some 10,000 security cameras across publicareas in Metro Manila and Davao. The system will also be equipped withadvanced features such as intelligent video analytics, facial and platerecognition and video content search."Granting a country whose global reputation for its forceful espionageactivities has raised worldwide concern, the opportunity to create asurveillance system in the Philippines should raise a red flag," De Limasaid in a release.LOCSIN ON EVACUATING FILIPINOS IN IRAN: 'LET'S WAIT WHERE THE SITUATIONGOES'MANILA (UPDATE)-The government has yet to craft evacuation plans forFilipinos in Iran and nearby countries as tensions in the region continue toescalate after the death of one of its top military generals, ForeignAffairs Sec. Teodoro Locsin Jr. said Saturday.Iran earlier "promised" to avenge the death of its most prominent militarycommander, Qassem Soleimani, who was killed after President Donald Trumpauthorized an overnight attack in Iraq."Let's wait where the situation goes. To evacuate is like a sign of no faithin the intelligence of the countries involved," Locsin told ABS-CBN News ina chance interview.He assured though that his department will be ready to repatriate Filipinosin Iran, if needed."Let me tell you, our teams in the Middle East - foreign affairs, embassies,consulates - we are ready to help you when the emergency happens," Locsinsaid."We'll get you out or we will be there with you to make sure that the samerisks you run, we will run as well."The Filipino Foreign Affairs chief earlier said that tensions between the USand Iran will not escalate into "World War III" because "there is so much tolose for everybody.""The Iranians are probably the smartest race on the planet. They'll thinkfirst," he said.In a text message to ABS-CBN News, Foreign Affairs Usec. Rafael Seguis saidwhat the US did has "negative implications," even though the Americans sawthe development as a preemptive strike to defend their troops and diplomatsagainst supposed Iran attacks."The killing of Soleimani would not contribute to the improvement ofsecurity situation in Iraq and the entire Middle East. Consequently, theregion appears now to be preparing for greater uncertainty following thekilling of Soleimani and his deputy," Seguis said.FILIPINOS JOIN ANTI-WAR PROTESTS IN LOS ANGELESLOS ANGELES -- A thousand activists hit the streets in downtown Los Angelesto stage anti-war protests days after US forces killed Iranian militaryleader Qassem Soleimani and deployed more troops to the Middle East.Filipinos were among those who joined the protests, peacefully marching atPershing Square."We cannot support what Trump is doing because it's a criminal act by theUnited States," activist Fernando Fernando said."We find it really important for us to show solidarity for brothers andsisters in Iran and Iraq fighting for their sovereignty, fighting againstimperialism, and fighting against the US occupation and economic sanctionsthat are harming their communities," said Viva Vargas of Bayan SouthernCalifornia.Filipino compared the US involvement in the Middle East to ongoing issues inthe Philippines."We see the US war machine also waging war in the Philippines. They havesent over 193 million US tax dollars to fund the killings, to fund theheightened oppression of all of our progressive forces, the drones and bombsthat caused the displacement of various indigenous communities," Vargassaid.While these Filipinos took to the streets to denounce US President DonaldTrump, Filipino conservatives celebrated this as an accomplishment for thePresident. They were at a Republican event with US congressional candidateEric Early and state senate candidate John Moorlach."Totally support the President and his decisive actions. He has likely savedhundreds of thousands of Americans. He's like saved thousands, if not tensof thousands of the good and decent Iranians in Iran who have been doingwhatever they can to overthrow this butcher regime," Early said.DUTERTE ALLIES, HOUSE LEADERS BACK ABS-CBN FRANCHISE RENEWALMANILA - In a rare instance, several leaders and administration allies inthe House of Representatives have opposed the position of President Dutertenot to renew the franchise of TV giant ABS-CBN.At least 12 lawmakers - mostly administration allies and including fourdeputy speakers - have taken a strong stance against the President by filingbills seeking renewal of the network's franchise.Among the proponents of the measure in the House are Deputy Speakers VilmaSantos-Recto from Batangas, Rose Marie Arenas from Pangasinan, AurelioGonzales Jr. from Pampanga and Johnny Pimentel from Surigao del Sur.The first measure, House Bill 676, was filed as early as July by Nueva Ecija2nd district Rep. Micaela Violago seeking to renew the franchise of ABS-CBNunder Republic Act 7966 issued on March 30, 1995."In acknowledgement of ABS-CBN's accomplishments and the capitalrequirements of its operations, the immediate renewal of its originalfranchise which expires on March 30, 2020 is recommended to ensure theuninterrupted and improved delivery of its services to the Filipino people,"Violago explained.Albay 2nd district Rep. Joey Salceda, chairman of House ways and meanscommittee, later joined Violago as proponent of the measure.Former ABS-CBN reporter and now Laguna 3rd district Rep. Sol Aragones, chairof the House committee on tourism, also filed a similar bill.DOH ORDERS TIGHTER SCREENING OF TRAVELERS AMID 'MYSTERIOUS DISEASE' FROMCHINAMANILA -- The Department of Health (DOH) on Sunday said it has orderedtighter screening of incoming travelers following reports of a "mysteriousdisease" from China.The illness, similar to "viral pneumonia of unknown origin" has so faraffected 44 persons in China, according to the DOH."I urge the public, especially those with history of travel from China, toseek immediate medical consult if experiencing any flu-like symptoms,"Health Secretary Francisco Duque said."Let us also embrace healthy lifestyles, practice proper hand hygiene, andobserve cough etiquette to prevent transmission of respiratory infections."The Bureau of Quarantine is on alert and is monitoring all ports fortravelers manifesting fever or signs of respiratory infection, the DOH said.China is investigating an outbreak of viral pneumonia, state media earlierreported, following online speculation that it might be linked to SARS, theflu-like virus that killed hundreds of people a decade ago.The virus, which infected more than 8,000 people around the world, isexpected to have originated in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong,according to World Health Organization.It had criticized China for under-reporting the number of SARS casesfollowing the outbreak in 2003.AFP'S NEW CHIEF EYES TO 'SECURE LASTING PEACE' IN 2020MANILA -- The Armed Forces of the Philippines' (AFP) vision for 2020 is to"secure lasting peace," its newly installed chief of staff said Sunday.The AFP will continue its plan to end terrorism and local armed conflictswith communist rebels in line with President Rodrigo Duterte's orders,according to Lt. Gen. Felimon Santos Jr."Humihina sila (communist rebels). That's why they are forcing for nationalpeace talks. We have so many surrenderees, even with the Abu Sayyaf maynagsu-surrender na rin, which is very rare," he told radio DZMM."Lahat ng kawal natin, I encourage them to continue 'yung commitment natin,dedication, our integrity, and 'yung susundin natin 'yung mandate natin toprotect our countrymen. The AFP's vision for 2020 is to secure lasting peacepara sa future ng ating country, para sa future generation."Santos believes he could "contribute to speed up" the military's plan to endlocal armed conflict before his retirement on August 3."Yung natitira kong buwan, we will push for the advancement ng plano ng AFPfor the end ng mga conflict na 'yan, ma-neutralize natin lahat ng threat,"he said.The AFP is "monitoring all aspects" in the conflict between United Statesand Iran, and is also prepared to defend the West Philippine Sea, accordingto Santos."All military is preparing for war pero kami ayaw namin mangyari 'yan," hesaid.LOCSIN: 'BEST KUWAITI LAWYERS' TO HANDLE JEANELYN VILLAVENDE'S CASEMANILA-The Philippine government assured that it hired the "best Kuwaitilawyers" to take on the case of a Filipina domestic worker who was killed inKuwait, Foreign Affairs chief Teodoro Locsin Jr. said on Saturday.An investigation is underway in connection with the death of JeanelynVillavende, whose employer is a suspect."We've hired one of the best Kuwaiti lawyers to prosecute the case," Locsintold DZMM's "Omaga-Diaz Reports" without going into detail.The investigation will last about a week before a Kuwaiti court formallybegins hearing the case, Locsin added.He said Arab employers have no excuse for being violent against OFWs."I don't want to make a big geopolitical issue," Locsin said."They think they own the person [that's why] they treat them as a slave? Itold them (Kuwaiti officials), 'Don't ever tell that to me again. If you usethat as an excuse, I will slap you.'"An Arab is a very smart person. They know that no matter what you pay, theyare not slaves."The Philippine government has banned domestic workers from seekingemployment in Kuwait after the incident.A similar ban was imposed against Kuwait in 2018 after a string of reporteddeaths and abuses on Filipino workers there, including Joanna Demafelis,whose body was found in a freezer.CLASSES IN URSULA-HIT AREAS TO RESUME IN TENTSMANILA - Classes in public schools damaged by Typhoon Ursula will resumetomorrow in temporary learning facilities.National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) spokesmanMark Timbal said 446 public schools were damaged by the typhoon in Bicol,Mimaropa, Calabarzon as well as in Western, Central and Eastern Visayas.Timbal said the NDRRMC set up tent shelters in time for the resumption ofclasses.A regional official of the NDRRMC lamented that the Department of Education(DepEd) has yet to take steps to repair public school buildings affected byUrsula."Despite enough funds to rehabilitate damaged learning facilities, the DepEdis very, very slow in responding to the needs of our children," the officialsaid.The NDRRMC also expressed concern that power has yet to be restored in manyareas affected by the typhoon.As of Friday, electricity was restored only in 50 of 103 cities and townshit by blackouts.The NDRRMC said 600,142 families or more than two million individuals from2,688 barangays in Mimaropa, Bicol, Western, Eastern, Central Visayas andCaraga were affected by the typhoon.Ursula left 50 persons dead, five other missing and 362 injured.Damage to agriculture was pegged at over P3 billion.KALIWA DAM PROJECT: GOVERNMENT TO RELOCATE IP COMMUNITIESMANILA - The government will ensure that indigenous people (IP) communitiesto be affected by the Kaliwa Dam project will be provided a properrelocation site, according to the Metropolitan Waterworks and SewerageSystem.MWSS Administrator Emmanuel Salamat said they would coordinate withconcerned local government units to provide homes for families to bedisplaced by the project.Around 400 IP households in 55 barangays will be affected by theP12.2-billion project, according to earlier reports."We will continuously coordinate with indigenous communities and localgovernment units to address their specific needs," Salamat told an interviewon GMA's Dobol B sa News TV.The Kaliwa Dam is envisioned to provide Metro Manila residents with 600million liters of water per day. Construction of the dam may take two tothree years."China will ensure the design and construction. They will also providetechnical assistance," Salamat said.He said 85 percent of the project would be funded under a loan agreementwith the Chinese government.Meanwhile, civil society groups said there are viable alternatives toprovide Metro Manila's water needs that would not displace IP communities orcause environmental damage.President Duterte said he is open to reviewing the project to addressconcerns that it may contain provisions disadvantageous to the public.The President also stressed the need to finish the Kaliwa Dam and theRazon-led Wawa Dam projects, calling them the "last resort to have water forManila."NADINE LUSTRE BELIES BREAKUP RUMORS, SLAMS RICKY LOMANILA -- Actress Nadine Lustre on Sunday belied breakup rumors withboyfriend James Reid as she slammed Philippine Star editor and columnistRicky Lo over an article seemingly confirming their separation."First off, that was so low," the actress wrote in her Instagram Stories,addressing Lo and the newspaper."Second, none of what you said was true and it is never okay to usesomeone's mental situation/tragic past just to prove a point. Mental illnessis a very sensitive matter."Lo wrote that the report about the couple's breakup was "true and notfake news," adding that Lustre left Reid's home after 2 years of livingtogether and moved into a "posh Makati condo.""Was it a case of 'too much, too soon'.too much togetherness and too soon tobe living together?" Lo wrote.The two have been open about living under the same roof during theirrelationship, with Lustre reacting to the matter, "It's normal na eh. Comeon, guys, it's 2017!""James is handling the breakup with care to cushion the impact on Nadine whohas admitted grappling with mental illness," Lo wrote in the originalprinted edition of the story, that had been edited for the online edition.Lo also mentioned the death of Lustre's brother, which had also been deletedin the edited version of Lo's column.Reid and Lustre were among the performers at a New Year countdown at aQuezon City mall. He earlier said he was planning to welcome 2020 withLustre."We'll be all together later, celebrating and counting down over in Makati,"he said.NBA SCORES JAN 3FINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Hawks 7-28    32    23    25    26    106team logo Celtics 24-8    19    34    29    27    109SCORING LEADERST. Young ATL28 PTS, 5 REB, 10 ASTJ. Brown BOS24 PTS, 10 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Trail Blazers 15-21    27    39    25    31    122team logo Wizards 10-24    31    27    20    25    103SCORING LEADERSD. Lillard POR35 PTS, 3 REB, 3 ASTJ. McRae WAS35 PTS, 5 REB, 4 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Heat 25-10    22    22    35    6    85team logo Magic 16-19    27    29    28    21    105SCORING LEADERSJ. Butler MIA23 PTS, 10 REB, 7 ASTT. Ross ORL25 PTS, 2 REB, 0 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo 76ers 23-14    27    26    31    24    108team logo Rockets 24-11    20    40    36    22    118SCORING LEADERSB. Simmons PHI29 PTS, 13 REB, 11 ASTJ. Harden HOU44 PTS, 11 REB, 11 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Knicks 10-25    37    24    26    25    112team logo Suns 14-21    29    22    32    37    120SCORING LEADERSM. Morris NY25 PTS, 3 REB, 2 ASTD. Booker PHO38 PTS, 3 REB, 7 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Pelicans 11-24    30    32    21    30    113team logo Lakers 28-7    42    32    31    18    123SCORING LEADERSL. Ball NO23 PTS, 2 REB, 5 ASTA. Davis LAL46 PTS, 13 REB, 1 ASTPBA: SI ALMAZAN NGA BA ANG SUSI NG MERALCO LABAN SA GINEBRA?Si Raymond Almazan na nga ba ang kasagutan ng Meralco para matalo na nilaang Barangay Ginebra sa PBA Governors Cup finals?Hindi pa nananalo ang Bolts sa Gin Kings sa dalawang paghaharap nila saGovernors Cup finals at umaasa ang tropa nina coach Norman Black na silanaman ang mamamayagpag sa pangatlong pagtatagpo.Si Almazan na raw ang itinuturing na alas ngayon ng Bolts na datingnahihirapan dahil sa kakulangan ng lehitimong "big man.""At least ngayon matatapalan ko na yung butas nila inside the paint," aniAlmazan sa ABS-CBN Sports."Lagi nilang sinasabi malaking bagay. Para sa akin, blessing ito na na-tradeako sa Meralco, tapos after two conferences, nasa finals agad. It was a goodsign for me na siguro makabalik talaga and makapag-champion sana ulit."Matatandaang nakuha ng Meralco si Almazan mula sa Rain or Shine sa isangtrade kapalit ng dalawang first-round picks sa 2019 at 2021 draft.Pero iniiwasan daw ni Almazan isiping siya ang magsisilbing "taga-tubos" ngMeralco.Kailangan pa rin ng isang buong team para matalo sina Justin Brownlee at angGin Kings, aniya."Hindi ko nilalagay sa ulo ko na ako yung kailangan, hindi. All of ourteammates kailangan mag-contribute this Finals," sabi ni Almazan.

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
