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11 January 2020

DUTERTE VOWS TO 'CORRECT' ALL GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS BEFORE STEPPING DOWNMANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte vowed Thursday to "correct" allgovernment contracts before he steps down from office as he sought torenegotiate water concession deals covering the Philippine capital.The chief executive said in an exclusive interview that he ordered theOffice of the Solicitor General and the Department of Justice to check allof government's existing contracts."All contracts that are prejudicial to the Filipino people will becorrected. 'Yan ang maaasahan mo (you can expect that), within the limitedtime left for me in office, sabi ko, I will correct everything, includingcontracts that are not to the best interest of the Filipino people,"Duterte, whose term ends in 2022, told broadcaster Ted Failon.Government's contracts with different private firms were put under scrutinyafter the President criticized the supposedly onerous agreements with watersuppliers Maynilad and Manila Water.Earlier this week, Duterte said the government would offer new contracts tothe 2 water concessionaires that would replace existing deals that "rip off"the public.Should Manila Water and Maynilad Water Services refuse, Duterte said hewould order the cancellation of their existing concessions and the"nationalization of water services" in their respective areas."They appear to be enriching themselves at the expense of the Filipinopeople, and ano ko (my issue) is you agree to this new contract but I cannotgive a guarantee that no charges will be filed," Duterte said.The President previously threatened to file fraud charges against owners ofthe 2 water companies over the supposed onerous provisions in the currentcontracts.Duterte also rejected threats of possible investment losses, saying he isafter "justice for Filipino people."DUTERTE: GOV'T HAS ENOUGH FUNDS FOR OFW EVACUATION FROM MIDDLE EASTMANILA- President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday the government could pay forthe airfare of all Filipino migrants in the Middle East who want to returnto the Philippines amid tensions between the United States and Iran.Duterte, who earlier ordered the mandatory evacuation of Filipinos in Iranand Iraq, told ABS-CBN News in an exclusive interview that he wantedgovernment to "immediately" secure the safety of Filipinos in the saidcountries."We have the money to answer for all of their airfare," he told broadcasterTed Failon.The Department of Budget and Management earlier assured the public that thePhilippine government has enough funds under the 2020 national budget forthe repatriation of Filipino migrants from the Middle East.Around P1.8 billion has been allocated in the budget for the repatriation ofFilipino workers, Budget Assistant Secretary Rolando Toledo said Wednesday.Manila is continuing efforts to evacuate Filipinos in Tehran, EnvironmentSecretary Roy Cimatu said Thursday even as tensions between Iran and UnitedStates simmered down.On Friday, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said the government could leasea cruise ship if needed to boost evacuation efforts in the Middle East."Ang napag-usapan namin sa Gabinete, if needed, we might have to charter acruise vessel para mas malaki," Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles toldreporters in Malacañang Friday.Duterte said he also ordered the Armed Forces of the Philippines to use allof its available assets in the evacuation of Filipinos who might get caughtin the possible crossfire.DUTERTE TELLS CONSUNJIS: HEAR DAVAO TENANTS OR FACE BANMANILA- President Rodrigo Duterte has said he would no longer allow propertydeveloper DMCI to construct more buildings if it evades responsibility afterportions of one of its condominiums in his hometown Davao City collapsedduring an earthquake."You know Consunji, you are already rich, and old like me. You have littletime left...Stop f*cking the people," Duterte told broadcaster Ted Failon inan exclusive interview.The President was not explicit on who he was referring to, but the realestate firm's parent company DMCI Holdings is currently led by its chairmanand president Isidro Consunji."If you do not come to terms with the people that you prejudiced, I will notallow you to even construct a building, not even a post because I willquestion the integrity of your company," he added.Duterte made the remark after parts of DMCI-owned condominium Ecoland 4000collapsed following a 6.5 earthquake that shook Davao City last October.Earlier this week, the Department of Humanitarian Settlement and UrbanDevelopment suspended the collection of monthly amortization payments fromunit owners of the damaged condominium.CONGRESSIONAL PROBE?The President claimed Consunji has yet to discuss settlement issues withresidents of the quake-stricken condominium as he revealed that Congresswould investigate the collapse of part of the building."Come to think of it, Congress will investigate that. Until now, the ownersof condominiums are groping in the dark," he said.He added that he would also seek an audit of all DMCI buildings."I will order an audit of all your buildings and all the violations you havecommitted. Huwag mo ako pilitin. Sabi ko sa iyo, mayaman na kayo tama na,"he said.HOW INDONESIA DROVE AWAY CHINESE SHIPS IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEAMANILA — While the Duterte government refuses to invoke the Philippines'legal victory in the South China Sea arbitration, Southeast Asian neighborIndonesia has successfully defended its sovereignty against China.The latest report from Indonesia's armed forces indicates that Chinesevessels encroaching on the vicinity of the Natuna Islands in the South ChinaSea have left the area.Indonesia's exclusive economic zone from the Natuna waters overlap withChina's so-called nine-dash line, which the Hague-based arbitral tribunalinvalidated in its July 2016 ruling.Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),Indonesia has sovereign rights to the resources up to 200 nautical milesfrom an inhabited territory.Just last week, Indonesia lodged a diplomatic protest over the presence of aChinese coast guard vessel in the Natuna waters. The Indonesian Ministry ofForeign Affairs summoned Chinese Ambassador Xiao Qian to complain aboutBeijing's violations in its EEZ.The Chinese vessel is suspected to have engaged in illegal, unreported andunregulated fishing activities in the area.1. Indonesia cited the Philippines v. China decisionIn a statement posted on its official website, the Indonesian foreignministry cited the July 2016 arbitral ruling in favor of the Philippines'claims in the South China Sea, pointing out that China's historical claimsdo not have legal basis."China's historical claim to EEZ on the grounds that Chinese fishermen havelong been active in the waters referred to are unilateral, has no legalbasis and has never been recognized by UNCLOS 1982," the statement read,according to an unofficial translation.In response to this complaint, the Chinese Foreign Ministry insisted thatBeijing has historic rights in the contested waterway.Jakarta, however, rejected Beijing's claim of "relevant waters" in the SouthChina Sea as it is not included in the UNCLOS.2. Indonesia sent its own fishermenThe Indonesian government also directed some 120 fishers to operate in theNatuna waters in response to China's incursions in their EEZ.Indonesian Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs MinisterMahfud MD was quoted as saying, "You will, in addition to exercising yourrights as citizens, also make good on your duty to help defend the country,to show that these waters are ours," Jakarta Post reported.Jakarta assured its fishermen that the government will oversee theiractivities in the area.3. Indonesia deployed military assetsEarlier this week, the Indonesian military confirmed that it has deployedfighter jets and warships to patrol islands in the Natuna waters.Indonesia spokesman Fajar Tri Rohadi confirmed that they have deployed eightwarships in the area.This follows earlier deployment of around 600 personnel from the Indonesiannavy, army and air force to conduct regular patrol in the area due to thepresence of foreign vessels.4. Indonesia's president sailed the watersIndonesian President Joko Widodo himself visited the islands last Wednesdayto handover land certificates for locals and to meet with hundreds of localfisherfolk, according to a report from The Jakarta Post.Following Widodo's visit to Riau Islands in the Natuna waters, theIndonesian military confirmed that the Chinese vessels have left the area.Contrary to Widodo's move of going to the area where China is encroaching ontheir country's EEZ, Duterte has been consistent on his position that thePhilippines is not equipped to go war with China.While Duterte has been insisting that invoking the arbitral ruling wouldrisk going to war with China, Beijing's top diplomat in Manila assured thePhilippines that their military follows a parth of "peaceful development."Former Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua earlier said Beijing develops itsnational defense to defend their own country and "contribute to world peaceand stability.""China adopts a military strategy of active defense which adheres to theprinciple of defense, self-defense and post-strike response. Meaning we willnot take the first shot," Zhao said in July 2019.BONGBONG MARCOS TO RUN FOR NATIONAL POST IN 2022 POLLSMANILA – Defeated vice presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos,Jr. on Friday revealed his plans to run for a national post in 2022, even ashe insisted on pursuing his election protest against Vice President LeniRobredo.“My plan is I will be a candidate in the next election. For what, I willstill have to decide,” Marcos, a former senator, told reporters during aforum organized by the National Press Club in Manila.He did not say who his running mate will be in case he runs for president,saying he could even seek a Senate comeback.“I can be a congressman, I can be a senator. 'Pag nag-retire ako (If Iretire), I can be governor sa (in) Ilocos Norte,” he said.Marcos served as senator from June 2010 to June 2016 before running for vicepresident, where he lost to Robredo by a slim margin.He shared that he has gone around the country in the last 3 years, visitingeach province at least thrice.“Ang tingin sa akin ng mga tao nasa posisyon pa ako. May mga sulatnagpapatulong, nagkukumbida,” he explained.But he said former senator and presidential candidate Manny Villar advisedhim not to disclose his plans for a specific position early, as it mightaffect his chances of winning.Villar was an early frontrunner in the 2010 presidential polls but lost toformer President Benigno Aquino III.Asked about the status of his election protest against Robredo, Marcos saidhe has just submitted his memorandum to the Presidential Electoral Tribunalasking that it proceed to resolve his third cause of action nullifyingelection results in 3 Maguindanao provinces.“Ang aming ipinipilit ay unahin itong pagprisenta ng ebidensya sa thirdcause of action. Sa aming palagay, nasa amin ang ebidensya na sa maraminglugar, di nagkaroon ng maayos na eleksyon,” he said.“Itong third cause of action, basta nasimulan na natin, sandali na lang‘to,” he claimed.FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHIEF DARES PROTESTER TO MAUL HIM, THEN VOWS TO HELP PINOYSIN MIDDLE EASTMANILA (2nd UPDATE)—Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. on Fridaydared protesters outside his agency's office to punch him, later promisingthem that the government would help distressed Filipino workers in theMiddle East.Locsin arrived at his office while militant groups Migrante, Courage andBayan Muna were holding a rally to condemn the deployment of Filipino troopsto Iraq, saying this might endanger Filipino workers there if tensionsbetween Iran and the United States escalate.The official attempted to take the microphone from a militant leader so hecould speak, but the latter refused to give it. Locsin then went inside hisagency's office, only to return outside, dare the militants to maul him andinstruct his bodyguards to stay back."Try, sige bugbugin mo ako (beat me)," Locsin can be heard saying in anABS-CBN video while protesters chanted "Makibaka, huwag matakot (struggleon, don't be afraid)."Locsin later grabbed an ABS-CBN News microphone and told the protesters thatthe government would repatriate and shoulder the exit visa of all Filipinoworkers from the Middle East who wanted to go home."Kahit na parang wala nang giyera... there will be a massive repatriationeffort to bring our people back home, iyong gustong pumunta rito," he said.Philippine authorities, he said, would also stay in conflict areas toprotect Filipinos who refuse to go home.BAGUIO REHAB KICKS OFFBAGUIO CITY — The government has officially kicked off a multimillion-pesoendeavor to redevelop this city and stop its descent into urban decay.Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat announced yesterday theforthcoming rehabilitation of the country’s summer capital following ameeting with concerned officials and stakeholders at The Mansion.She said the project is attuned to the national government’s thrust towardsustainable tourism.NEARLY 50% OF PHILIPPINES COPS OVERWEIGHT, OBESE – PNPMANILA — Almost half of the country’s 190,000-strong police force areoverweight and obese, Philippine National Police (PNP) officer-in-charge Lt.Gen. Archie Gamboa said yesterday.He said only 102,600 police officers or 54 percent are at their ideal weightwhile nine percent or 17,100 are obese. The rest are overweight, he added.The overweight and obese police officers face “consequences,” including notbeing promoted if they fail to slim down, according to Gamboa.He said he aims to implement a rule that police officers cannot attendmandatory schooling courses, which are required for promotion, if they areoverweight.Gamboa said this consequence is meant to compel police officers to lead ahealthy lifestyle.He said he ordered regional directors and unit heads, citing NationalCapital Region Police Office chief Brig. Gen. Debold Sinas in particular, toimplement a weight reduction program based on a person’s body mass index,which is a person’s weight in kilos divided by the square of height inmeters. A high BMI can indicate a high level of body fat.Noting that the public demands much of police officers, Gamboa said inFilipino during an interview with dzMM that “it’s basic. How can you chaseafter criminals if you are too big?”LIZA, ENRIQUE REACT TO HERBERT BAUTISTA’S OFFER TO BE ‘NINONG’ AT THEIRWEDDINGMANILA — Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil may not have a wedding date yet —they aren’t even engaged — but already, they appear to have one principalsponsor sure to join them on the special day.Herbert Bautista as “ninong” to the couple was a running joke Thursdayduring a press conference for the upcoming series “Make It With You,” aheadof its January 13 premiere.The former Quezon City mayor and returning actor, who plays Soberano’sfather in the teleserye, was seated beside the lead stars during the medialaunch.Bautista was talking about prioritizing his family over a political careerwhen he mentioned, in jest, that he had heard “rumors” about Soberano andGil, before offering to be their “ninong.”Initially, the couple of five years could only laugh as the joke triggeredshrieks from fans who attended the press conference. Later on, however,Soberano herself quipped Bautista would indeed be a principal sponsor onceshe and Gil get married.Soberano added, in jest, that her ideal marrying age is “22 and a half,”having just turned 22 in January.In a huddle with reporters after the press conference, the two eventuallygave a serious answer, with Gil saying he is “100% certain, in my heart”that he will end up with Soberano.Soberano, meanwhile, said she will “no doubt” say yes when Gil proposes toher.PBA: MERALCO FIGHTS OFF GINEBRA COMEBACK TO LEVEL FINALSMeralco weathered the storm in the final quarter to carve out aheart-stopping 104-102 win over Barangay Ginebra in Game 2 and tie the countin their PBA Governors Cup finals at the Quezon Convention Center in Lucenaon Friday.The Bolts had a productive night from the three-point area, firing afranchise-record 16 triples that helped them erect a 19-point halftime leadover the fancied Gin Kings.Ginebra came back with a massive third quarter then fought tooth-and-nail inthe final period, before a late game miscue cost them victory.Allen Durham, who helped facilitate Meralco’s game, led the Bolts with 21points, 18 rebounds, and 6 assists. Baser Amer went 6 out of 11 from thefield to finish with 17 points, spiked with 5 triples.Chris Newsome also had 17 markers, while Raymond Almazan and John Pinto alsodelivered double-digits with 15 and 12, respectively.Meralco is now in a 1-1 tie with Ginebra in their best-of-7 series.Justin Brownlee, who finished with 35 points and 11 rebounds, helped tie thecount 70-all midway in the third quarter.Nico Salva, however, scored 9 markers in that same period to keep Meralcoafloat 82-76 going to the fourth quarter.The Kings kept on pressing and came to within 2 points via LA Tenorio’sbooming triple with 3.1 seconds remaining, but fell short after failing toread the Bolts’ final play.Stanley Pringle contributed 23 points and 10 rebounds to the Gin Kings.The action will resume on Sunday at the Araneta Coliseum.Meralco 104 - Durham 21, Amer 17, Newsome 17, Almazan 15, Pinto 12, Salva 9,Caram 5, Quinto 5, Faundo 3, Hodge 0, Hugnatan 0, Maliksi 0.Ginebra 102 - Brownlee 35, Pringle 23, Aguilar 18, Tenorio 10, Slaughter 6,Thompson 4, Caguioa 4, Mariano 2, Devance 0, Caperal 0, Dela Cruz 0.Quarterscores: 36-21, 63-46, 82-76, 104-102.NBA SCORES JAN 9FINAL/OT    1    2    3    4    OT    Tteam logo Cavaliers 11-27    26    24    31    21    13    115team logo Pistons 14-25    32    29    22    19    10    112SCORING LEADERST. Thompson CLE35 PTS, 14 REB, 3 ASTA. Drummond DET28 PTS, 23 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Celtics 25-11    35    20    25    18    98team logo 76ers 25-14    26    22    29    32    109SCORING LEADERSK. Walker BOS26 PTS, 2 REB, 3 ASTJ. Richardson PHI29 PTS, 3 REB, 7 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Trail Blazers 16-23    34    13    27    28    102team logo Timberwolves 15-22    28    31    41    16    116SCORING LEADERS    D. Lillard POR20 PTS, 4 REB, 8 AST    A. Wiggins MIN23 PTS, 3 REB, 8 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Rockets 25-12    21    27    19    25    92team logo Thunder 22-16    37    23    29    24    113SCORING LEADERSR. Westbrook HOU34 PTS, 2 REB, 5 ASTD. Gallinari OKC23 PTS, 11 REB, 4 AST

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Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
