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17 January 2020

DUTERTE'S FORMER ICC ACCUSER DANCES AROUND CASE'S VERACITYMANILA — The case against President Rodrigo Duterte before the InternationalCriminal Court’s (ICC) was politically motivated, the lawyer who filed itsaid Friday, despite admitting that he "cannot say what is true" or not inthe allegations.Lawyer Jude Sabio said the communication he filed in 2017 was "nothing elsebut political propaganda" of former Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV, Senator LeilaDe Lima and the Liberal Party-led opposition."Events have shown, especially the Bikoy scandal that... they are notinterested in justice," he told ANC.Opposition figures last year were accused of paying a certain Peter JoemelAdvincula to appear as the hooded figure "Bikoy" in viral videos that linkedPresident Rodrigo Duterte's family to illegal drugs. Trillanes and the LPdenied any hand in the clips.Sabio said it was also Trillanes who asked him to file the ICC complaint,which relied heavily on the testimonies of whistleblowers Edgar Matobato andArturo Lascañas, who accused Duterte of leading a death squad when he wasstill mayor of Davao City.Pressed on whether or not the ICC allegations were true, Sabio answered:"I'm going back to what I said, the issue here is interest of justice.""Since the opposition is shown to have acted not in the interest of justicein the Bikoy controversy, then in the ICC they cannot also claim an interestfor justice," he said.Sabio was asked twice more about the veracity of the ICC complaint,regardless of whether or not it was used for political propaganda.Larry Gadon, a staunch supporter of the Duterte administration whofacilitated Sabio's ICC withdrawal, chimed in saying: "The implication isthey are not true because if it's not already in the interest of justicethen, they are not true."Sabio, however, said: "I cannot say what is true in regards to theirtestimony.""I'm not saying that Matobato and Lascañas lied. I'm only saying that caseis no longer in the interest of justice," he added.BIKOY WAS 'LAST STRAW'Sabio said Trillanes recruited him to be the lawyer of Advincula, even afterhe failed the former senator's vetting."That in itself was the last straw on this matter... Isn't that deception?Isn't that dishonesty?" he said.Sabio also denied that he was paid to withdraw the ICC complaint againstDuterte.The ICC Office of the Prosecutor said late Tuesday any communication filedwith their office “cannot be withdrawn.”The Philippines in March 2019 quit the ICC, though the world's onlypermanent war crimes tribunal pledged to pursue its examination of allegedillegal killings in Duterte's drug war.ROBREDO HITS MOCHA FOR EXPLOITING TAAL TRAGEDY TO SPREAD LIESMANILA — Vice President Leni Robredo hit back at Overseas Workers WelfareAdministration Deputy Executive Director Mocha Uson for spreading wronginformation amid the eruption of Taal Volcano.Uson, also a pro-Duterte blogger, posted a screenshot of a Facebook usercommenting that the vice president only donated five pieces of pandesal anda bottle of water to the evacuees.The OWWA official claimed that Robredo prioritized having photo ops ratherthan helping victims of the volcanic eruption last Sunday."Hindi din kasi ito ang unang pagkakataong inuna ni Leni ang pagpapa photoops kaysa pagtulong sa mga biktima ng trahedya," Uson said on Facebook.Robredo, on the other hand, called Uson a purveyor of fake news despitehaving a government post."While our people are suffering from an unfortunate tragedy, this bearer offake news continues to receive salary out of taxpayers' money. Let's allhelp put a stop to the proliferation of lies," Robredo posted on herpersonal Facebook account.In another Facebook post, the Office of the Vice President clarified thatthe food packs Robredo donated to the victims of Taal Volcano's eruptionconsisted of rice, instant noodles and canned goods.Robredo also provided dust masks and drinking water to the evacuees."Maging mapanuri sa mga nakikita at nababasa sa social media—lalo na mula samga nananamantala sa mga trahedya upang magpakalat ng fake news," Robredosaid.DUTERTE THREATENS TO EXPOSE THOSE BEHIND 'ONEROUS' WATER CONTRACTSMANILA- President Rodrigo Duterte threatened on Thursday to expose thosebehind the supposedly onerous water concession contracts of the governmentwith Maynilad and Manila Water.Duterte said he would reveal those responsible for the contracts whether ornot the government renews its agreement with the 2 water distributors.“But I said even if we renew the contract or not, the people should knowkung sino ‘yung mga Pilipino and I will reveal all of them,” he said in aspeech during the 120th anniversary celebration of Baptist Churches in thePhilippines.“I’m just trying to finish the --- I will reveal who are they so that youcan ask them, including the Ayala and Pangilinan na bakit mo ginawa sa amin‘yan (why did you do that to us)? Bigyan mo ako ng sagot. P***** i** ‘paghindi, babarilin ko ‘yang bayag mo p*t*ng*n* k*,” he added.The President previously said that he would give Maynilad and Manila Waterthe "option" to accept a new concession agreement that will replace theexisting deals that "rip off" the public.Should the 2 water concessionaires refuse, Duterte said he would order thecancellation of their existing concessions and the "nationalization of waterservices" in their respective areas.Duterte previously threatened to file fraud charges against the owners ofthe 2 water companies over the supposed onerous provisions in the currentcontracts.GAG ORDER? CATHOLIC BISHOPS 'SILENT' DESPITE TIRADES, SAYS DUTERTEIs there an order for Catholic bishops not to speak out against PresidentDuterte?Speaking during the celebration of the 120-year presence of the BaptistChurches in the Philippines Thursday, the President appeared to suggestthere is an order for Roman Catholic bishops to remain silent despite hisattacks against them.He recalled the time when he cursed at Pope Francis as he was stuck intraffic during the Pontiff's January 2015 visit in Manila."Maybe it's good to ***** the bishops," he said in his speech."I cannot tell you why but they are now ordered to... There’s an… I cannot--- it’s supposed to be in confidence. Pero you'd notice they are no longercomplaining. Even if you say b******, they don't respond anymore. That is--- that is how to win the war against the Catholic Church. All you have tosay, p*******. Panalo ka na."The Chief Executive has constantly gone on a verbal tirade against clergymenwho have been critical of his anti-drug campaign. In 2018, he said bishopsare better off dead - a supposed joke which he later retracted.DOJ INDICTS ALBAYALDE, 12 'NINJA' COPS FOR GRAFT OVER 2013 PAMPANGA DRUGRAIDMANILA (UPDATE) - The Department of Justice (DOJ) has found probable causeto indict former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Oscar Albayalde and12 other police officers in relation to a 2013 anti-drug operation inMexico, Pampanga.In a statement released Thursday, a panel of state prosecutors said it foundprobable cause to charge Albayalde with "violation of the Anti-Graft andCorrupt Practices Act for persuading, inducing or influencing another publicofficer to perform an act constituting a violation of rules and regulationsin connection with the official duties of the latter, and for causing anyundue injury to any party, including the government."It, meanwhile, cleared Albayalde of charges of misappropriating confiscateddrugs, falsifying public documents, and failure to prosecute policeofficers.The panel also found probable cause to indict 12 other police officers forseveral violations, including qualified bribery, planting of evidence anddelay and bungling in the prosecution of drug cases, among others.Albayalde had resigned in October last year, just weeks before hisretirement, as he faced allegations of protecting his men linked to sellingseized illegal drugs during his time as Pampanga police chief.The officers were tagged in pilfering some 160 kilos of shabu from a 2013operation against a suspected Chinese drug lord.In a statement, Albayalde said he welcomes the development as he willfinally be given a chance to defend himself in court."I welcome this development as the chance to once and for all clear my namein the proper forum. Finally, I will have my day in court," he said.He also expressed confidence the truth will prevail in the end."My conscience remains clear, and I am confident that the truth will bear meout in the end," Albayalde added.ROBREDO TO PNP: SOLVE DRUG KILLINGSMANILA — Vice President Leni Robredo yesterday called on the police toinvestigate extrajudicial killings in Camanava (Caloocan, Malabon, Navotasand Valenzuela).She sat down with patients in the drug rehabilitation program of theCaloocan anti-drug abuse council at the Our Lady of Grace Parish, one of thehardest hit in the war on drugs due to the number of drug suspects anddependents killed either in police operations or by vigilantes.In an interview, Robredo said she had been receiving reports that Camanavaremains a hotbed of extrajudicial killings that have remained unsolved bypolice investigators.“The style today is vigilante killings. I call on the Philippine NationalPolice, isn’t it still your responsibility to investigate vigilantekillings? It is your obligation to resolve these, because if not, blood isin your hands,” Robredo said.She called for an end to the senseless killings in the Camanava and laudedthe city anti-drug abuse council for holding drug rehabilitation sessions inaddressing addiction as a health problem.Robredo said other local government units should learn from Caloocan’s drugrehabilitation program, where drug dependents have a chance to reform theirways by entering into a plea bargaining agreement and joining weeks-longspiritual sessions.“Now we have an alternative through community-based rehab program, why don’twe follow this? Let us stop the killings and support this program instead,”Robredo said.REVEALING DOCUMENTARY ON IMELDA MARCOS TO PREMIERE AT CCPMANILA — Just a day after hosting a dinner for its founding chairman ImeldaMarcos, the Cultural Center of the Philippines announced that it would bepremiering "The Kingmaker," a full-length documentary chronicling thepolitical comeback of the wife of late dictator Ferdinand Marcos.The late dictator Ferdinand established the CCP through Executive Order No.30 s. 1966.After the 1986 EDSA revolution toppled the Marcos regime, the culturalcenter was said to have undergone a period of Filipinization."The CCP re-invented itself to become a people’s art center. Filipino workswere given priority, while outreach programs and regional artmaking becameone of the main focuses," the CCP said of this period."The CCP has always been a platform for artistic expressions and rationalconversations. We are presenting a documentary tackling an issue that we areconcerned about, as a Filipino people," CPP Vice President and ArtisticDirector Chris Millado said.“We can’t deny the relations of the center with the Marcoses, but CCP hasmoved on to become a People’s Art Center,” said Millado."It also cannot be denied that the Marcos regime had its excesses in termsof corruption, and its human rights record. And it also cannot be deniedthat they have been convicted in courts for this."Amnesty International has reported that the Marcos dictatorship was markedby wanton human rights violations, where 34,000 were tortured and 3,240killed.The country was left with a $26 billion debt in the years after Marcos'ouster from office, the effects of which still continue to be felt today.A report by the UP School of Economics published in May of 1986 said, “Theforeign debt incurred by the old regime is one of the biggest obstacles toPhilippine economic recovery."The Marcos family has not acknowledged any of their crimes and even assertsthat history has unfairly antagonized them.This, despite a signed Republic Act explicitly acknowledging the mass humanrights violations that occurred under the Marcos regime, as well as sevencounts of graft held against Imelda.“In an age when fake news impacts elections, Imelda’s comeback story is acautionary tale," Greenfield said.The Kingmaker's Philippine premiere is slated for January 29, 2020 at theTanghalang Aurelio Tolentino of the CCP building in Pasay. The feature willbe screened at 3 pm and 7:30 pm. Tickets may be purchased at the CCP BoxOffice or via TicketWorld.'WALANG PAGKUKULANG': TAAL TOWN MAYOR DEFENDS PHIVOLCSMANILA - Taal Mayor Fulgencio Mercado on Thursday said the PhilippineInstitute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) issued government alertsbefore the eruption of Taal Volcano, which led to mass evacuations ofresidents in nearby towns.This, after allegations were thrown earlier against Phivolcs, claiming theagency faied to issue alerts before the eruption."Walang kasalanan ang Phivolcs, walang pagkukulang," Mercado told radioDZMM.According to Mercado, residents in Taal and in nearby towns knew that thevolcano's activity was already active months before the eruption."Matagal na, halos 8 months na naming alam na nag-aalboroto ang bulkan," hesaid.In an earlier interview, Phivolcs director Renato Solidum said they had beenreleasing bulletins regarding Taal to the public and to the Office of CivilDefense (OCD) since March 2019.Before the Taal Volcano erupted and spewed ash, Phivolcs issued alerts tothe public especially to townsfolk living nearby, Solidum reiterated.He said that before Taal erupted, there were no signs of escalatedactivities by the volcano until 11 a.m., when tremors in the area started."Nung makita na namin 'yun (earthquakes), sinabihan na na magtataas na ngalerto at yung mga tao doon sa aming volcano observatory ay tinawagan nayung mga posibleng tawagang mga tao o mga lider doon sa volcano island namag-evacuate," Solidum told radio DZMM.He said before they released an official bulletin, they warned the people atVolcano Island, where Taal's main crater is located, to immediately leavethe vicinity."Sila ang main stakeholder natin, at that time, at that level, would be theVolcano island," Solidum said.Solidum's statement was also the earlier response of other Phivolcsofficials after a lawmaker earlier urged the House of Representatives toinvestigate the institution for supposed lack of alerts before the eruption."Ang aming role ay ipasa 'yan sa organization na kailangang magresponde atmag-forward ng information sa iba't ibang stakeholders. Tinutulungan naminang ibang ahensya para magampanan ang preparedness ng community," saidSolidum."Hindi naman namin role na lahat ng tao, i-inform namin."POLIO CASES HIT 16; 1ST IN METRO MANILA REPORTEDMANILA — Polio has reached Metro Manila, with a three-year-old boy fromQuezon City being confirmed to have the disease and raising the number ofcases in the country to 16, the Department of Health (DOH) reportedyesterday.Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said that aside from the boy fromQuezon City, two other polio cases from Maguindanao were also recorded.These included two boys aged two and three years old.Another two-year-old boy from Sultan Kudarat also tested positive for thepolio virus.“They manifested symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, asymmetricascending paralysis and weakness of extremities,” Duque said.The boy from Barangay Batasan Hills in Quezon City has been confirmed as thefirst case of polio in Metro Manila since the disease returned to thecountry last year.Mayor Joy Belmonte vowed to intensify Quezon City’s campaign against polioafter the DOH confirmed that the boy has the disease.TRAILER OF BELA AND JC’S LATEST MOVIE IS ALREADY A HEARTBREAKERMANILA — The onscreen tandem of Bela Padilla and JC Santos has a trackrecord of making people cry, and it appears their latest film offering willbe no exception.That’s going by the fresh trailer of “Of Vodka, Beers, and Regrets,” whichsees Padilla as Jane, an actress recovering from a scandal, and Santos as amusician with whom she starts a complicated relationship.The romance, which starts on a drunken night at a bar, appears to be turningserious, until Jane dismisses the relationship as “playtime” when a man fromher past returns.“Of Vodka, Beers, and Regrets” marks the third major team-up of Padilla andSantos on screen, after “100 Tula Para Kay Stella,” “The Day AfterValentine’s,” and an episode of “Maalaala Mo Kaya.”The film was written and directed by Irene Villamor, who is also behind the2018 hit “Sid and Aya: Not a Love Story” starring Anne Curtis and DingdongDantes.“On Vodka, Beers, and Regrets” is scheduled for release on February 5.NBA SCORES JAN 15FINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Pistons 15-27    27    30    34    25    116team logo Celtics 27-12    24    35    23    21    103SCORING LEADERSS. Doumbouya DET24 PTS, 2 REB, 1 ASTG. Hayward BOS25 PTS, 7 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Nets 18-22    28    29    33    16    106team logo 76ers 26-16    25    29    32    31    117SCORING LEADERSS. Dinwiddie BKN26 PTS, 2 REB, 8 ASTT. Harris PHI34 PTS, 10 REB, 3 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Spurs 17-22    17    34    26    23    100team logo Heat 28-12    24    27    24    31    106SCORING LEADERSD. DeRozan SA30 PTS, 5 REB, 7 ASTK. Nunn MIA33 PTS, 3 REB, 4 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Raptors 26-14    38    35    24    33    130team logo Thunder 23-18    25    30    28    38    121SCORING LEADERSN. Powell TOR23 PTS, 2 REB, 0 ASTD. Schroder OKC25 PTS, 3 REB, 6 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Pacers 26-15    24    30    22    28    104team logo Timberwolves 15-25    30    29    18    22    99SCORING LEADERS    D. Sabonis IND29 PTS, 13 REB, 6 AST    J. Culver MIN17 PTS, 5 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Wizards 13-27    26    34    20    26    106team logo Bulls 15-27    24    31    30    30    115SCORING LEADERS    B. Beal WAS23 PTS, 4 REB, 4 AST    Z. LaVine CHI30 PTS, 7 REB, 7 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Hornets 15-29    25    17    27    17    86team logo Nuggets 28-12    28    29    17    26    100SCORING LEADERST. Rozier CHA20 PTS, 3 REB, 9 ASTM. Porter Jr. DEN19 PTS, 8 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Trail Blazers 18-24    28    32    30    27    117team logo Rockets 26-14    26    21    30    30    107SCORING LEADERSD. Lillard POR25 PTS, 7 REB, 7 ASTR. Westbrook HOU31 PTS, 11 REB, 12 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Mavericks 26-15    35    36    37    19    127team logo Kings 15-26    31    36    26    30    123SCORING LEADERSL. Doncic DAL25 PTS, 15 REB, 17 ASTD. Fox SAC27 PTS, 7 REB, 12 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Magic 20-21    35    30    24    30    119team logo Lakers 33-8    29    29    30    30    118SCORING LEADERSM. Fultz ORL21 PTS, 11 REB, 10 ASTQ. Cook LAL22 PTS, 4 REB, 1 AST

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
