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3 February 2020

THOUSANDS DENIED ENTRY AT NAIAMANILA — Thousands of incoming passengers of various nationalities who camefrom China, Hong Kong and Macau were prevented by immigration officials fromentering the country yesterday at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA)after Malacañang issued a directive banning all passengers coming from theareas due to the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus acute respiratorydisease (nCoV ARD).Immigration supervisors in three NAIA terminals said they were confused whenthey received messages through Viber earlier yesterday that they wereinstructed to deny entry of all incoming passengers who flew in from China,Hong Kong and Macau.The passengers – mostly Chinese, but also including Indians, Dutch andFrench – were dismayed after they were stopped from disembarking the planeand brought to a bay where they would wait for boarding back to theirairports of origin.Some 30 flights from China arrived at NAIA terminals 1, 2 and 3, while 19flights from Hong Kong and four flights from Macau arrived in the threeterminals.Recommended guidelinesWith the safety of the country and all persons within the territory as primeconsiderations, and upon further advice from the Department of Health thatthe nCoV has affected all regions of China, President Duterte immediatelyapproved the following recommended guidelines of the Inter-agency Task Forcefor the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases:• Temporarily ban the entry of any person, regardless of nationality, exceptFilipino citizens and holders of Permanent Resident Visa issued by thePhilippine government, directly coming from China and its SpecialAdministrative Regions;• Temporarily ban the entry of any person, regardless of nationality, exceptFilipino citizens and holders of Permanent Resident Visa issued by thePhilippine government, who, within 14 days immediately preceding arrival inthe Philippines, has been to China and its Special Administrative Regions;• Impose a mandatory 14-day quarantine for Filipinos and Permanent ResidentVisa holders coming from any place in China and its Special AdministrativeRegions;• Temporarily ban Filipinos from travel to China and its SpecialAdministrative Regions; and• Establish a repatriation and quarantine facility.Meanwhile, Duterte is set to meet with medical experts and top officialstoday, according to an announcement last week by Sen. Bong Go, his longtimeaide and de facto spokesperson.DOH SETS UP CHAT HOTLINE FOR PINOYS IN CHINAMANILA — Filipinos in China may use a round-the-clock WeChat hotline withFilipino doctors, psychologists and nurses to ask for information andmedical assistance regarding the 2019 novel coronavirus.The real-time hotline was opened by the Department of Health (DOH) incoordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).Filipinos in China are encouraged to add and access the hotline by scanningwith their own WeChat apps the QR code for DOH 2019-nCoV Team ChinaMainland.All calls and messages made via the hotline will be received and respondedto by Filipino doctors, psychologists and nurses trained on crisisintervention.“This communication line will deal with queries on the health aspect of the2019-nCoV as well as provide psychological support to Filipinos in China inthe midst of the said threat to health,” the DFA said.Filipinos in China are also encouraged to share this information, along withthe QR Code of the DOH Wechat Hotline, to the rest of the Filipinocommunity.On Friday, the DFA announced the temporary suspension of visa issuance fortravelers coming from Hubei province.NO REPATRIATION FOR NOWChina is reluctant on agreeing to repatriating Filipinos, as doing so mayfurther the spread of 2019-nCoV.Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. said on Thursday that the DFAOffice of Asia and Pacific Affairs (ASPAC) Assistant Secretary MeynardoMontealegre and Office of Consular Affairs Assistant Secretary Neil FrankFerrer met with Consul General Luo Gang of the Chinese embassy in Manila.The close coordination regarding visa suspension was also discussed duringthe meeting.China also assured everyone including foreigners of sufficient food suppliesand medical facilities, and will share contact information of persons athospitals in Hubei for the DFA and the Philippine Consulate General inShanghai with Filipinos.The DFA said it is ready to repatriate Filipinos in Wuhan City and the restof Hubei province who wish to come home, subject to China’s rules on diseasecontainment, including immigration clearance and quarantine process.ROBREDO: USE REVERTED MARAWI FUNDS FOR DISPLACED RESIDENTS’ HOUSESMANILA — The over P400 million in Marawi funds that were returned to theNational Treasury could have been used to build houses for the 16,000families displaced by the 2017 armed conflict, Vice President Leni Robredosaid yesterday.“It’s disappointing that because of the delay in the submission of documentsand approval of projects, the funds intended for Marawi victims werereturned to the treasury,” Robredo said over radio dzXL.She blamed the return of the funds on the delayed approval of the projectsby the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and theOffice of the President.“That’s where I think the approval was delayed,” she said, noting thedisplaced residents have long been waiting for the government’s help.The P406.5 million, allotted in 2018 for the rebuilding of Marawi, expiredand reverted back to the treasury.Robredo said the money could have been used to build more than 16,000housing units.The Office of the Vice President’s Angat Buhay program spent P12 million forthe construction of 72 houses, Robredo said.“We could have given per-manent shelters to 16,000 families,” she said,adding that public school principals in Marawi are appealing for houses fortheir teachers who are still in evacuation centers.“Many of the teachers are still staying in evacuation centers. Some of themare in Cagayan de Oro, which is more than an hour away from Marawi,” shesaid.CHINA VIRUS TOLL RISES TO 360 WITH 56 NEW FATALITIES: GOV'TBEIJING - The number of confirmed deaths from China's coronavirus outbreakrose to 360, exceeding the country's death toll from the 2002-03 SARSoutbreak, after authorities in Hubei province reported 56 new fatalitiesMonday.In its daily update, figures from the health commission in Hubei, which hasbeen hit hardest by the virus, also showed a jump in confirmed infectionswith 2,103 new cases.That puts the national total over 16,480, based on numbers previously issuedby the central government.The number of new cases now exceeds the country's death toll from theoutbreak of SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which killed 349people mainland China.The new virus is believed to have emerged in December from a market thatsold wild game in the Hubei provincial capital Wuhan.The epidemic has ballooned into a global health emergency, with casesreported in more than 20 countries.The first death outside mainland China was confirmed Sunday, when a44-year-old man from Wuhan reportedly died in the Philippines.The G7 countries -- Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UnitedKingdom and the United States, all of which have confirmed cases of thevirus -- will discuss a joint response to the outbreak, Germany's healthminister Jens Spahn said later in the day.In Thailand, which has 19 confirmed cases, doctors said Sunday an elderlyChinese patient treated with a cocktail of flu and HIV drugs had showndramatic improvement and tested negative for the virus 48 hours later.AVOID KISSING RELIGIOUS IMAGES, CATHOLICS TOLDMANILA — The Diocese of Borongan in Eastern Samar yesterday said theCatholic faithful should avoid kissing religious images or wiping theirhandkerchiefs on these statues as a deterrent against the spread of thenovel coronavirus.The diocese’s chancery yesterday issued guidelines on how the faithful couldprotect themselves from being infected by nCoV acute respiratory disease.One is to “encourage greater restraint and prudence in the kissing ofstatues or images, or in wiping handkerchiefs on them,” said the diocese’schancellor Fr. Neil Tenefrancia.The chancery also advised taking the communion host in the hand; discouragedpeople from holding hands during the prayer and singing of “Our Father,” andnot to shake hands during the sign of peace in mass.They recommended the praying of the Oratio Imperata on the 2019-nCoV in allweekday and Sunday masses. The special prayer would be recited whilekneeling down post-communion.BILLIONAIRE RAZON BUYS 25 PERCENT OF AYALA'S MANILA WATERMANILA -- Billionaire Enrique Razon acquired 25 percent of Manila Water,bringing P10.7 billion in fresh funding to the utility that has come undergovernment scrutiny, parent Ayala Corp said Monday.Ayala Corp said it would retain a 38.6-percent stake in Manila Water, whichsupplies water to the Philippine capital's east zone. Razon-led PrimeMetroline Holdings will form a company, Trident Water, for the transaction.Razon is acquiring 820 million common shares at 13 pesos apiece, ManilaWater said in a disclosure to the stock exchange before the start oftrading."Both Ayala and Mr. Razon share a deep commitment to contributing to thecountry’s water infrastructure development,” Ayala Corp Chairman and CEOJaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala said.Razon said the partnership with the Ayalas would "further develop thisunique business both here in the Philippines and abroad.""We are confident that our collective experience, technical capabilities,and corporate synergies will be of great benefit to Manila Water, the peopleit serves, and its other stakeholders," said Razon.Ayala Corp President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala said Manila Water wouldleverage on Razon's experience on overseas operations to expand Manila Waterto Southeast Asia.Razon is buying into Manila Water as its contract to supply water to MetroManila's east zone is being renegotiated.3 REBELS KILLED IN SULTAN KUDARAT CLASHCOTABATO CITY — Three suspected New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas werekilled in an encounter in Senator Ninoy Aquino town in Sultan Kudaratyesterday.The firefight broke out after the rebels reportedly opened fire at a team oftroopers who were responding to a report about the presence of armed men inBarangay Bugso.The guerrillas were reportedly extorting money from the villagers, accordingto Maj. Gen. Diosdado Carreon, chief of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division.The slain rebels – identified by barangay leaders as Eduardo, Allan andRuben – were reportedly followers of Kumander Rayray, chief of the NPA’sDaguma Guerrilla Front.Soldiers recovered communications equipment, a .45 caliber pistol, foodsupplies, medical kits and a diagram for improvised explosive devices nearthe bodies of the rebels.SMC TO REBUILD SKYWAY STAGE 3 AFTER FIREMANILA — San Miguel Corp. yesterday assured the public that it will beresume construction of the nearly finished Skyway Stage 3 project, part ofwhich collapsed when a fire gutted SMC’s warehouse in Pandacan on Saturdaymorning.“We continue to monitor developments and are ready to provide assistance toanyone directly affected by the incident. We also extend our full supportand cooperation to authorities as they investigate the cause of the fire,”SMC said in a statement.“Rest assured, SMC infrastructure will rebuild and resume construction atthe soonest possible time, with the least delay on the projected completiondate of Skyway 3,” it added.QUEZON CITY TO SPAS, MASSAGE PARLORS: STOP ‘EXTRA SERVICE’MANILA — Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte yesterday ordered a crackdown onspas and massage parlors offering “extra service” to put a stop to sexualexploitation and human trafficking in the city.“I ordered an intensified campaign against spas that offer extra service.May this serve as a warning to these spas. Your days are numbered,” she saidin Filipino in a statement.Last Friday, local authorities and police raided the Epitome Z Spa inBarangay West Kamias and arrested three massage therapists.Two of the therapists tested positive for the sexually transmitted diseaseshepatitis B and syphilis.A total of 14 persons were apprehended when an undercover operativeconfirmed that the spa was offering sexual services.The operation stemmed from a complaint regarding the spa’s illicitoperation.The establishment was ordered closed by the business permit and licensingdepartment.5 INDONESIAN CAPTIVES SPOTTED IN SULUZAMBOANGA CITY — Army troopers are tracking down five Indonesian fishermenbeing held captive by Abu Sayyaf bandits after the victims were reportedlyspotted in the hinterlands of Maimbung, Sulu.The Joint Task Force Sulu (JTFS) intensified its intelligence gathering asit gave assurance that the troops are ready to execute plans to liberate thecaptives.The JTFS did not give details of its plans as it would compromise the safetyof the victims and the operating forces.The captives – identified as Arsyad Dahlan, La Baa, Riswanto Hayono, EdiLawalopo and Syarizal Kastamiran – were seized by six armed men as they werefishing in the waters off Lahad Datu in Sabah, Malaysia on Jan. 17.The kidnappers took the victims to Sulu, the military said, adding that twoof the suspects were killed in an encounter on an island off Parang town,three days after the kidnapping.PNP TO HELP IN CRACKDOWN ON MEDICAL SUPPLY HOARDERSMANILA — Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Archie Francisco Gamboayesterday ordered police units to assist in the crackdown on unscrupulousindividuals taking advantage of the novel coronavirus (nCoV) scare byhoarding medical supplies.Gamboa directed the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) andterritorial police units to be ready to assist the Department of Trade andIndustry and local government units (LGUs) in the effort.There has been a lack of face masks, rubbing alcohol and other medicalsupplies especially after the government confirmed the first case of nCovinfection last week.Gamboa urged the public not to resort to panic buying and instead remaincalm.PNP spokesman Brig. Gen. Bernard Banac said they are taking their cue fromthe Department of Foreign Affairs, which has supervision over theirpersonnel abroad.“Our police attachés abroad work under the supervision of our Philippineembassies or consulates,” he said in a text message.The PNP said no police officer is under investigation for possible infectionof the virus as of yesterday.MIKHAIL RED, MAY PAKIUSAP SA FANS NI JOSHUA AT JULIAMAYNILA -- Tila dismayado ang direktor na si Mikhail Red sa walangkatapusang pagbabato ng intriga sa mga bida ng kaniyang pelikula na "BlockZ" na kinabibilangan nina Joshua Garcia at Julia Barretto."Sobrang exciting ng film kasi we've made so many game changers sa movie, wedid something different. Kahit 'yung studio system, never in my wildestdreams na Star Cinema would do an R-rated zombie movie with these youngactors, their first R-rated film tapos maka-cloud tayo ng very pettyissues," bungad ng direktor sa isang bloggers conference ng "Block Z'.Matatandaang noong nakaraang taon, humarap sa matinding kontrobersya angdating tambalan matapos maugnay si Barretto kay Gerald Anderson at hanggangsa maapektuhan ang tambalang Barretto-Garcia."In fact, guys, no matter kung ano'ng fandom niyo, I hope you all unite forthis movie. Kasi when you watch the film, you will realize this is not justthe actors, it's about their characters, doon kayo mai-in love sa charactersnila sa journey nila and you will realize na they are all so talented thatyour be rooting for the 'Block Z' barkada to survive and I think 'yun angimportant," dagdag pa ni Red.."Kahit ano'ng fandom niyo, at the end of the day our priority is to surviveand lahat ng perspective and indifference niyo is you will put aside 'yunand magiging united kayo. I think 'yun and message ng 'Block Z'."BASKETBALL: BLATCHE, BALKMAN LEAD MIGHTY SPORTS TO HISTORIC TITLE IN DUBAIMighty Sports made history for Philippine hoops when it became the firstnon-Middle Eastern club to win the Dubai International BasketballChampionship.The Filipino club came through with a massive third quarter attack todethrone Lebanon's Al Riyadi, 92-81, in the 31st edition of the tournament.A sizable crowd of Filipino fans watched Mighty's coronation at ShababAl-Ahli Club in the United Arab Emirates."It's great," said head coach Charles Tiu, who thanked the fans for givingthe team the extra boost it needed against their taller rivals."It's a great feeling as we made up for a heartbreaking loss in the semislast year," he added. "This year, it feels nice."NBA SCORES FEB 1FINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Timberwolves 15-33    32    23    31    20    106team logo Clippers 34-15    40    22    36    20    118SCORING LEADERSK. Towns MIN32 PTS, 12 REB, 3 ASTK. Leonard LAC31 PTS, 6 REB, 4 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Heat 33-15    28    29    19    26    102team logo Magic 21-28    25    24    18    22    89SCORING LEADERSJ. Butler MIA24 PTS, 3 REB, 3 ASTA. Gordon ORL24 PTS, 5 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Knicks 14-36    24    26    22    20    92team logo Pacers 31-18    11    28    32    14    85SCORING LEADERSM. Morris NY28 PTS, 6 REB, 0 ASTD. Sabonis IND25 PTS, 8 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Nets 21-27    36    25    23    23    107team logo Wizards 17-31    27    32    22    32    113SCORING LEADERS    S. Dinwiddie BKN26 PTS, 4 REB, 6 AST    B. Beal WAS34 PTS, 6 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Warriors 11-39    31    30    44    26    131team logo Cavaliers 13-37    32    27    19    34    112SCORING LEADERS    G. Robinson III GS22 PTS, 1 REB, 1 AST    C. Sexton CLE23 PTS, 2 REB, 4 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Hawks 13-37    26    23    23    28    100team logo Mavericks 30-19    36    26    35    26    123SCORING LEADERSJ. Collins ATL26 PTS, 11 REB, 0 ASTJ. Brunson DAL27 PTS, 4 REB, 8 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo 76ers 31-19    19    32    16    28    95team logo Celtics 33-15    32    27    27    30    116SCORING LEADERS    B. Simmons PHI23 PTS, 9 REB, 5 AST    J. Brown BOS32 PTS, 9 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Hornets 16-33    28    35    11    16    90team logo Spurs 22-26    30    20    29    35    114SCORING LEADERS    M. Bridges CHA25 PTS, 6 REB, 2 AST    D. DeRozan SA24 PTS, 2 REB, 6 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Lakers 37-11    44    37    23    25    129team logo Kings 18-31    22    42    25    24    113SCORING LEADERSA. Davis LAL21 PTS, 4 REB, 6 ASTD. Fox SAC24 PTS, 6 REB, 5 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Jazz 32-17    34    19    30    24    107team logo Trail Blazers 23-27    33    30    31    30    124SCORING LEADERSD. Mitchell UTA25 PTS, 2 REB, 4 ASTD. Lillard POR51 PTS, 2 REB, 12 AST

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
