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5 February 2020

INFLATION QUICKENS FURTHER IN JANUARY, SETTING STAGE FOR INTEREST RATE CUTMANILA -- Inflation accelerated past estimates in January while stayingwithin the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas' target, official data releasedWednesday showed, putting pressure on monetary authority to cut interestrates, according to analysts.The consumer price index rose 2.9 percent in January from 2.5 percent in theprevious month. It was faster than the median forecast of 2.7 percent basedon a Bloomberg poll of economists. The central bank's think tank predicted2.5 to 3 percent.The BSP set a 2 to 4 percent target for the full year. It will hold itsfirst interest rate-setting meeting for 2020 on Thursday. Seventeen of 24economists polled by Bloomberg predicted a rate cut."It is within the target of the BSP but it seems to imply that the windowfor rate cuts is narrowing very fast," BPI lead economist Jun Neri toldMarket Edge on ANC."We believe there is still some room. Later on, that will narrow and mightactually close. Therefore, we think the BSP might do a one-and-done cut bytomorrow to 3.75 percent," he said.Governor Benjamin Diokno had signaled a cumulative 50-basis point cut in thebenchmark lending rate this year. He said on Jan. 27 that while there was "alot of room" to ease policy, he would "go easy" on unwinding the full175-basis point interest rate hikes from 2018. The BSP cut the benchmark by75 basis points in 2019.SENATE LEADERS URGE DUTERTE: RECONSIDER VFA ABROGATIONMANILA— As a Senate panel prepares to begin its review of the country’smilitary arrangements with the United States, three senators have filed aresolution urging President Duterte to reconsider his plan to have theVisiting Forces Agreement (VFA) revoked.Senate President Vicente Sotto III, Minority Leader Franklin Drilon and Sen.Panfilo Lacson jointly filed on Monday Resolution 312 expressing the senseof the Senate on the need for Duterte to reconsider his plan to unilaterallywithdraw from the VFA with the US.The filing of the resolution came two days before the scheduled review ofthe security pact along with the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) andEnhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the US by the Senatecommittee on foreign relations headed by Sen. Aquilino Pimentel III. Thechamber will still have to vote on the resolution.“We concede that by constitutional fiat and by intrinsic nature of hisoffice, the President, as head of state, is the sole organ and authority inthe externals affairs of the country, being the chief architect of thenation’s foreign policy in the conduct of the external affairs of thenation,” the resolution read.“Fully recognizing the authority of the Chief Executive and withoutintending to disrespect a co-equal body, prior to unilaterally terminatingthe VFA, the Senate should be given the opportunity to conduct a review andassessment of the impact of the withdrawal on the country’s security andeconomy, specifically with regard to intelligence information sharing,military aid and financing, and technical assistance extended by the USrelative to the continuing threats posed by domestic and foreign terroristgroups and, ultimately, to the stability and security in the Asia-Pacificregion,” it said.The senators said as a policymaking body, the Senate should likewise giveits view and opinion on the repercussions of the scrapping of the VFA on theMDT and EDCA.They said a careful deliberation of the issue must be taken into accountbefore arriving at a final decision, which will ultimately affect not onlythe country’s security and economy, but also that of other countries in theregion.WHO URGES FILIPINOS: STAY CALM, INFORMED ABOUT NOVEL CORONAVIRUSMANILA - A World Health Organization (WHO) official on Wednesday urgedFilipinos to stay informed and calm as cases of the new coronavirus riseglobally.The public is urged to rely on credible sources of information such as theDepartment of Health (DOH) and the international body, according to WHOrepresentative to the Philippines Rabindra Abeyasinghe."You need to stay calm and your actions need to be dictated byevidence-based information," he told ANC's Early Edition."You see very interesting stories being circulated in social media and thatis not very helpful. It’s not contributing to containing this outbreak."The justice department, in a Senate inquiry Tuesday, said it wouldinvestigate and file charges against those who spread misinformation aboutthe new strain of virus.The WHO official, meantime, said only 2 percent of those infected succumb tothe flu-like illness. Health officials earlier noted that most victims wereeither old or with underlying health problems."The vast majority of infections happen from people already having signs andsymptoms of the disease," Abeyasinghe added.The WHO official said maintaining proper hygiene by frequent handwashing andobserving cough etiquette was most important for the public."The mere fact that you wear a face mask is not absolute guarantee you arenot going to get this. it only prevents you from inhaling from inhaling thedroplets," Abeyasinghe said."It's more important to wash your hands often, not to touch your eyes, nose,and mouth excessively and ensure any meat you're consuming is properlycooked."DUTERTE APPROVES RELOCATION PLAN FOR DISPLACED TAAL RESIDENTSMANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte approved on Tuesday the relocation planfor Filipinos displaced by the Taal Volcano eruption last month, hisspokesman said Wednesday.Duterte, during Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, granted the request of HumanSettlements Secretary Eduardo del Rosario to give a total of 5,448 housingunits to displaced residents, Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo said.The housing units were supposedly for soldiers and policemen and are spreadacross the provinces of Batangas, Laguna, Cavite, and Quezon in the SouthernTagalog region.“The President approved the request of the Department of Human Settlementsand Urban Development to offer these housing units as a grant to thedisplaced families instead and commended such act of generosity,” Panelosaid.At least 5,000 households were displaced following the mandatory evacuationfrom the 7-kilometer radius of the volcano, Del Rosario reported to thePresident.Taal erupted on Jan. 12, forcing thousands living around the volcano to fleefrom their homes.The ashfall from the volcano reached as far as Metro Manila and CentralLuzon, shutting down businesses for days.As of Wednesday morning, alert level 3 is still raised over Taal which meansthat lethal volcanic gas expulsions are still possible.CHINA VIRUS DEATHS RISE TO 490 AS MORE COUNTRIES CONFIRM LOCAL TRANSMISSIONBEIJING — The number of people infected in China by the coronavirus outbreakjumped on Wednesday to nearly 500, after Hong Kong reported its first deathfrom the disease and millions more in China were ordered to stay indoors.The confirmed toll in mainland China rose to 490 after hardest-hit Hubeiprovince reported 65 more people had died -- the biggest single-day tallysince the first fatalities emerged last month.More than 20 countries have confirmed cases of the virus, prompting theWorld Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global health emergency,several governments to institute travel restrictions, and airlines tosuspend flights to and from China.The WHO said Tuesday that the dramatic measures taken by China had provideda "window of opportunity" to halt transmission, while calling for moreglobal solidarity to combat the virus.The novel coronavirus has continued to spread with Singapore, Malaysia, andThailand on Tuesday reporting new infections that were not imported fromChina.In a sign of growing concern about a spread to other densely-populatedChinese metropolitan areas, authorities in 3 cities in eastern Zhejiangprovince -- including 1 near Shanghai -- limited the number of peopleallowed to leave their homes.CEBU PACIFIC, PAL HELPING TRACE VIRUS PATIENTS' CO-PASSENGERS: SPOKESPERSONSMANILA — Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines denied Wednesday HealthSecretary Francisco Duque's accusation that they refused to help authoritiestrace nearly 300 co-passengers of the Philippines' confirmed coronaviruscases.Duque told a Senate inquiry on Tuesday that only 17 percent of theco-passengers were contacted so far because their details were not shared bythe 2 airlines, "invoking confidentiality."There is "no impediment" under Data Privacy Act that prevents airlines fromsharing the manifest that contains the passengers' contact details, saidCebu Pacific director for Corporate Communications and Corporate AffairsCharo Logarta-Lagamon."Never po kaming hindi nakipagtulungan sa gobyerno, lalo na po sa Departmentof Health," she told DZMM.Philippine Airlines shared its passenger manifest with authorities "rightafter" the health department's request, said the carrier's spokespersonCielo Villaluna."This is an issue of national interest, this is a public health concern.There is no reason for you national flag carrier, Philippine Airline, towithhold such information," she said.Duque's claim that parts of the manifest were redacted "can be an issue oflack of dissemination on their part," said Villaluna."What Secretary Duque is saying is not quite aligned with what is happening,but I hope by this time, he's already informed of the truth," she said in aseparate DZMM interview.FILIPINOS REPATRIATED FROM CHINA VIRUS EPICENTER TO ARRIVE SATURDAYMANILA- Filipinos repatriated from China, the origin of the 2019 novelcoronavirus outbreak, are expected to arrive in the Philippines on Saturday,Malacañang said Wednesday.The returning Filipinos will arrive at the Clark International Airport andwill undergo mandatory quarantine at Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija,Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo said."The President instructed the Health Secretary to go to the site to properlyaddress the people affected in detail,” Panelo added.There are 42 Filipinos in the Chinese province of Hubei, the epicenter ofthe virus outbreak, who have requested for repatriation according to theDepartment of Foreign Affairs.No Filipinos in China have been confirmed to be infected with the virus,which causes flu-like symptoms, the DFA said.Government has set up Fort Magsaysay as a quarantine site for peoplesuspected of being infected with the new coronavirus. The Nueva Ecijamilitary camp can accommodate up to 10,000 individuals, the Palace said.There are 295,047 Filipinos in mainland China, according to government data.Around 150 are in Wuhan City, where initial cases of the virus were reportedlast year.71% OF CENTRAL VISAYAS BARANGAYS AFFECTED BY ILLEGAL DRUGSMANILA— At least 71 percent or 2,143 of the 3,003 barangays in CentralVisayas are still affected by illegal drugs.Police data showed that 581 barangays in the region have been declareddrug-free while 279 villages remain drug-affected.Cebu, Bohol, Negros Oriental and Siquijor comprise Central Visayas.Metro Manila ranks second among regions with the most number ofdrug-affected barangays at 1,107 or 64.74 percent of the 1,710 villages.The Cordillera Autonomous Region has the fewest areas affected by illegaldrugs, with 86 or 7.31 percent of the 1,177 barangays.In Eastern Visayas, 7.61 percent or 334 of the 4,390 barangays are not yetcleared of illegal drugs.At least 38 percent or 16,053 of the total 42,045 barangays nationwide arestill affected by the drug menace.METRO MANILA TEMPERATURE DROPS TO 18.5ºCMANILA— Metro Manila’s temperature dropped anew to 18.5 degrees Celsiusyesterday morning, the coldest recorded in the capital so far this northeastmonsoon season, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical andAstronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).Senior weather forecaster Chris Perez said the lowest temperature wasrecorded at 6:30 a.m. at the PAGASA Science Garden in Quezon City.Yesterday’s coldest temperature in the National Capital Region matched itsprevious record of 18.5 degrees Celsius registered on Feb. 1.Perez said the northeast monsoon would continue to bring cold winds over thecountry this month.In Baguio City, the coldest temperature was recorded at 4:50 a.m. yesterdayat 11 degrees Celsius.PAGASA recorded the coldest weather in the country’s summer capital so farthis year at 10.6 degrees on Feb. 1.CALLED A ‘TOXIC MOM,’ SHARON SAYS ON RIFT WITH KC: ‘YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT’SGOING ON’MANILA — Amid the apparent rift between Sharon Cuneta and her daughter KCConcepcion, the music veteran on Monday hinted that their conflict has adeeper source than what’s known to their followers.The strain in their relationship first went public in January, whenConcepcion missed Cuneta’s televised birthday celebration on “ASAP Natin‘To,” prompting an exchange of open letters on social media.But that’s not the whole story, at least according to Cuneta.On Instagram, Cuneta responded to comments branding her as a “toxic mom,”over Instagram posts which her followers alleged were meant to indirectlypaint Concepcion in a negative light.One such post was Cuneta’s photo with actress Angel Locsin, whom shecredited for being respectful. She also expressed appreciation to “TheGeneral’s Daughter” star for her kindness and warmth.“Puro ka parinig sa panganay mo,” one follower commented.Cuneta replied: “Nagpapasalamat ako sa isang taong gumawa ng mabuti sa akin,patama agad? Ang tinatamaan guilty kahit hindi siya ang iniisip. Kontinglawa ng pag-iisip naman.”Indicating that she has yet to mend her ties with Concepcion, Cuneta added,“Wala kayong alam sa mga nangyayari. Ano ito, tampong ‘di matapos? Baka kayamas malalim? Huwag na kasi makialam.”Cuneta’s exchange with her followers went as far as her supposedshortcomings as a single mother to Concepcion. Concepcion is Cuneta’s lonechild with her former husband, actor Gabby Concepcion.One detractor told Cuneta she “shouldn’t be surprised” by her currentstanding with Concepcion, given that the latter was mostly raised by herlate maternal grandmother.“I worked to put food on our table because no one was helping me,” Cunetasaid. “My mom and dad helped raise her because I had to work. Parang mga OFW— kahit ayaw lumayo sa anak, nagtatrabaho.”“Nasaan siya ngayon [kung hindi] ako nagtrabaho? And I didn’t depend on mydad and mom except to take care of her while I was breaking my back andhaving no sleep to prepare for her future,” Cuneta said.When a fan lamented how Cuneta has made public her tiff with Concepcion —instead of resolving their issue privately — the singer brought up herdaughter’s earlier Instagram apology for missing her birthday celebration.“Kaya nga ako nag-post kasi sinagot ko lang ang post niya. She hasn’t textedeither. And believe me — you have no idea what’s going on so huwagmagmarunong,” she wrote.That same follower advised Cuneta not to embarrass Concepcion with her postsabout their cold ties, however indirectly. Her answer: “Mas lalong ‘di dapatbinibigyan ng kahihiyan ng anak ang magulang.”EALA RISES TO NO. 4 IN WORLD RANKINGSMANILA— Filipina teen ace Alex Eala continues her rise in the internationalstage as the newly-minted Australian Open juniors titlist catapulted tofourth in the latest International Tennis Federation world rankings.Eala, who entered the season-opening grand slam netfest at world No. 8,jumped four spots following her triumph in the girls’ doubles withIndonesian Priska Nugroho and a Round-of-16 appearance in the singles playin Melbourne.The 14-year-old scholar at the Rafa Nadal Academy in Spain netted 750ranking points for her doubles feat and 180 in the singles to log 1,718.75 –good for No. 4 behind top-ranked Dianne Parry of France (2,356.25),newly-crowned Austrailian Open singles champ Victoria Jimenez Kasintseva ofAndorra (1971.25) and 2019 Wimbledon winner Daria Snigur of Ukraine (1,930).Eala became the first Pinay junior netter to win a grand slam crown,striking gold 11 years after Francis Casey Alcantara reigned supreme over inboys’ doubles also in Australia.She said she hopes to inspire youngsters to dream big and strive like shedid.“I hope a lot of younger kids see me as an inspiration because I did alsocome from where they are now.“I didn’t start big. I also came from local tournament in Palawan or justhere in Manila, slowly going into the international stage,” she said.Eala is set to return to Mallorca, Spain to continue her studies andtraining.She’s eyeing to compete in a $25,000 WTA tournament next month prior toplunging into action in the next major, the French Open juniors.“I’m very proud to be a Filipina, to represent my country especially in asport where not a lot of Filipinos are present,” she said. “Now I wantpeople to see the Philippines has a lot of potential for high-level tennis.”NBA SCORES FEB 3FINAL/OT    1    2    3    4    OT    Tteam logo Knicks 15-36    33    30    32    32    12    139team logo Cavaliers 13-38    37    25    38    27    7    134SCORING LEADERSM. Morris NY26 PTS, 2 REB, 1 ASTK. Love CLE33 PTS, 13 REB, 6 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Magic 22-28    25    31    29    27    112team logo Hornets 16-34    24    30    23    23    100SCORING LEADERS    N. Vucevic ORL22 PTS, 7 REB, 5 AST    T. Rozier CHA18 PTS, 3 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Warriors 12-39    40    32    27    26    125team logo Wizards 17-32    36    27    23    31    117SCORING LEADERS    A. Burks GS30 PTS, 3 REB, 2 AST    B. Beal WAS43 PTS, 2 REB, 6 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Mavericks 31-19    25    28    29    30    112team logo Pacers 31-19    22    33    22    26    103SCORING LEADERSK. Porzingis DAL38 PTS, 12 REB, 0 ASTD. Sabonis IND26 PTS, 12 REB, 9 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Suns 20-30    31    21    21    24    97team logo Nets 22-27    35    20    35    29    119SCORING LEADERS    D. Ayton PHO25 PTS, 17 REB, 5 AST    C. LeVert BKN29 PTS, 3 REB, 7 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Celtics 34-15    28    32    35    28    123team logo Hawks 13-38    34    28    22    31    115SCORING LEADERSJ. Tatum BOS28 PTS, 7 REB, 3 ASTT. Young ATL34 PTS, 3 REB, 7 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo 76ers 31-20    26    26    25    29    106team logo Heat 34-15    30    26    41    40    137SCORING LEADERSJ. Embiid PHI29 PTS, 12 REB, 2 ASTJ. Butler MIA38 PTS, 7 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Pistons 18-34    32    21    10    19    82team logo Grizzlies 25-25    36    17    19    24    96SCORING LEADERSA. Drummond DET25 PTS, 18 REB, 4 ASTJ. Valanciunas MEM26 PTS, 17 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Timberwolves 15-34    20    30    34    25    109team logo Kings 19-31    29    36    28    20    113SCORING LEADERSK. Towns MIN22 PTS, 10 REB, 6 ASTD. Fox SAC31 PTS, 3 REB, 5 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Spurs 22-27    39    24    19    23    105team logo Clippers 35-15    29    25    31    23    108SCORING LEADERS    L. Aldridge SA27 PTS, 9 REB, 5 AST    K. Leonard LAC22 PTS, 6 REB, 7 AST

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
