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10 February 2020

'NO CONTRADICTION' AMONG OFFICIALS, PANELO INSISTS AMID DIFFERING STATEMENTSON VFAMANILA - Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo on Sunday insisted therewas "neither contradiction nor inconsistency" among cabinet officials'statements on the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the United States.This was after Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana on Saturday branded as'fake news' Panelo's earlier statement that President Rodrigo Duterte hadordered cabinet officials to notify the United States on its intent toterminate the VFA."He said, and I quote him [Duterte], 'I will instruct the ExecutiveSecretary (Salvador Medialdea) to tell the DFA Secretary (Teodoro Locsin Jr)to send notice of termination to the US government,'" Panelo said on Friday.But on Saturday, Lorenzana said Medialdea himself said there was no suchorder yet.“Yes, according to Sec. Medialdea! None. Nada. Zilch. Awan. Wala! Anggapo,”said Lorenzana.In a statement on Sunday, Panelo played down the differing statements on theissue by saying he "was merely quoting the President.""To be clear, this representation did not say that the directive of thePresident to the Executive Secretary has already been issued or given,"Panelo said.The Palace spokesperson said the President was "using the future tense.""If the President has not given his instruction yet, then the statements ofExecutive Secretary Medialdea and Secretary Lorenzana are accurate."But Panelo said this does not mean that what he announced about thePresident's decision with regard to the VFA was "inaccurate or untrue.""It simply means that the Executive Secretary has yet to receive thedirective from the President," Panelo said.Panelo insisted that there was "no internal clash within the President'sCabinet on the situation" and that officials remained united with regards toDuterte's policies.PH TO LOSE 'A LOT' OF MILITARY TRAINING IF VFA TERMINATED: GORDONMANILA- Filipino troops stand to lose "a lot" of military training from theUnited States once Manila terminates its visiting forces agreement withWashington, Sen. Richard Gordon said Monday."That will be diminished. And I don't think we have enough intelligence fundto care for that," the senator told ANC's Headstart.Malacañang last week said President Rodrigo Duterte had ordered cabinetofficials to notify the US on its intent to terminate the VFA.Duterte first threatened to terminate the VFA over Washington’s cancellationof Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa’s visa.While the President is the chief architect of foreign policy, theadministration should inform the Filipinos of the full effects of abrogatingthe military accord, Gordon said."The public has the right to know. Our citizens have the right to know,since this is a very pro-US country," he said."The Senate should speak up as representatives of the people to find outwhat is the reason for this," he added.Gordon said government officials should think of the country's welfare firstbefore terminating the VFA as he highlighted the help the Philippinesreceives from American troops."We should think of ourselves first before the Americans," he said."The point is always look at ourselves first. What are we fighting for?Who's gonna fight for us? Nobody's gonna fight for you."SOLICITOR GENERAL QUESTIONS ABS-CBN FRANCHISE BEFORE SUPREME COURTMANILA — Solicitor General Jose Calida on Monday asked the Supreme Court torevoke the franchise of ABS-CBN Corp and its subsidiary, ABS-CBN ConvergenceInc, in yet another move to crack down on the news network, which has beenrepeatedly criticized by President Rodrigo Duterte.Solicitor General Jose Calida cited supposed "abuses" in ABS-CBN’s franchisewhich will expire in March. The House of Representatives has yet to hearseveral bills seeking to renew the company's license to operate.Calida filed a quo warranto petition, the same mode he utilized to remove aknown Duterte critic, former Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, in May2018.A "quo warranto" is a legal procedure that is filed against someone who"usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or exercises a public office,position or franchise," according to Rule 66 of the Rules of CivilProcedure."We want to put an end to what we discovered to be highly abusive practicesof ABS-CBN benefiting a greedy few at the expense of millions of its loyalsubscribers," Calida said in a statement."These practices have gone unnoticed or were disregarded for years."Calida alleged that ABS-CBN used an "elaborately crafted corporate veil" tosupposedly allow foreign investors to take part in its the ownership.Supposed violation of the constitutional ban against foreign ownership inmass media was also used earlier to go after news website Rappler.Like Rappler, ABS-CBN allegedly violated the ownership restriction when itissued Philippine Depositary Receipts to foreigners. A depositary receiptgives its holder some benefits without giving stockholder status.ABS-CBN also went “beyond the scope of its legislative franchise” for“broadcasting for a fee,” Calida said.ABS-CBN Corp earlier said it secured clearance from the Securities andExchange Commission to issue PDRs. Shares of ABS-CBN were down 0.26 percentto P16.74 in early trading after the Supreme Court filing.In the case of ABS-CBN Convergence Inc., it allegedly “resorted to aningenious corporate layering scheme in order to transfer its franchise”without approval from Congress.The subsidiary supposedly violated its franchise that required it publiclyoffer its outstanding capital stock to any securities exchange in thecountry within 5 years.The Solicitor General sought to scrap the franchise even before Congresscould decide on whether to extend it for another 25 years. At least 11 billshave been filed in support of ABS-CBN’s bid to renew its franchise.'USURPING THE POWER OF CONGRESS': LAWMAKERS QUESTION QUO WARRANTO PLEA VSABS-CBNThe Philippine government's top lawyer "usurped" an exclusive power ofCongress when he asked the Supreme Court to revoke ABS-CBN Corp's franchise,a lawmaker said Monday.Solicitor General Jose Calida accused ABS-CBN of violating provisions of itsfranchise, which will expire in March. The House of Representatives has yetto hear several bills seeking to renew the company's license to operate.Deputy House Speaker Johnny Pimentel said Congress has the exclusive powerto grant or cancel any franchise."In effect, OSG (Office of the Solicitor General) is already usurping thepower of Congress. Congress has not yet even decided whether to renew orcancel the franchise," he told ANC.The media outlet's alleged violations "should be tackled during the hearing"of its franchise renewal by Congress, said the lawmaker."The quo warranto has preempted the actions of Congress," Pimentel said."I hope that the Supreme Court will dismiss this case," he added.Duterte's ally, Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, also called Calida'smove "an unwarranted approach on the exclusive power of Congress to grant,cancel or renew franchises" and "a direct assault on freedom of the press,""This violates the co-equal branch, a disrespect of the executive on thelegislative," he said in a separate ANC interview.There is enough time for Congress to tackle the media outlet's franchisebefore going on break on March 14, said Laguna Rep. Sol Aragones."Mahigit 11,000 [ang] empleyado ng ABS-CBN na mangangamba na magkaakaroon paba sila ng trabaho. Maraming umaasa sa kanila. Tayo ay naniniwala natalagang uusad pa ito dito sa amin sa Kongreso," she told DZMM.DUTERTE'S THREATS VS ABS-CBN UNRELATED TO SOLGEN QUO WARRANTO BID: PALACEMANILA- President Rodrigo Duterte's verbal attacks against ABS-CBN Corp. isunrelated to the quo warranto petition of the government's top lawyer toinvalidate the franchise of the media conglomerate, Malacañang said Monday.Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo distanced Duterte from SolicitorGeneral Jose Calida's filing of "quo warranto" petitions on Monday, whichaccused ABS-CBN of violating provisions of its franchise."Alam mo, trabaho ng Solicitor General na maghain ng anumang petisyon pagkamayroong paglabag sa batas," Panelo, also the President's chief legalcounsel, told radio DZMM."Ang Pangulo hindi nakikialam sa trabaho ng mga heads of departments andoffices. Palagi niyang sinasabi 'let the law take its course,'" he added.Duterte has criticized ABS-CBN for allegedly not airing a campaign ad thathe paid for before the 2016 presidential election. Last December, thePresident even urged the owners of ABS-CBN to just sell the company."We cannot deprive the President as a citizen of this country to expresshimself. Walang kaugnayan itong petisyon ni SolGen (The petition of theSolGen is unrelated)," Panelo said.Congress has yet to act on several bills seeking a 25-year franchise renewalfor ABS-CBN which will expire in March. ABS-CBN operates free TV Channel 2and radio DZMM.SOLGEN MOVE VS ABS-CBN A 'DIRECT ATTACK' ON PRESS FREEDOM: WATCHDOGThe Philippine government's top lawyer mounted a "direct attack" on thefreedoms of expression and the press when it questioned the franchise ofABS-CBN Corp, a media watchdog said Monday.ABS-CBN is "major source" of information that the public needs " to decidetheir futures," said National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP)former director Nonoy Espina."It's part of the dialogue, it's part of the free exchange of ideas andinformation. You shut that down, you shut off a huge source of ideas andinformation... It's a huge disservice to the people," he told ANC."The quo warranto petition and its implications are really a direct attackon freedom of the press, freedom of expression," he added.The move also implies that "the government doesn't really trust Congress todo its bidding and kill the franchise renewal bills," Espina claimed."If they can't stop Congress from acting on the bill, then the quo warrantopetition is the way to go to at least stop it," he said.Congress, he said, should "prove itself an independent and co-equal branchof government.""To not act on the bill is to prove that they're the lapdogs of thisadministration. Are they independent or are they mere puppets of avindictive President?" he said.CHINA VIRUS DEATHS RISE PAST 900, OVERTAKING SARS TOLLBEIJING - The death toll from the novel coronavirus surged past 900 inmainland China on Monday, overtaking global fatalities in the 2002-2003 SARSepidemic, even as the World Health Organization said the outbreak appearedto be stabilizing.With 91 more people dying in Hubei, the province at the center of theoutbreak, the toll is now higher than the 774 killed worldwide by SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).The latest data came after the WHO said the last 4 days had seen "somestabilizing" in Hubei, but warned the figures could still "shoot up".At least 39,800 people in China have now been infected by the virus,believed to have emerged late last year in Hubei's capital Wuhan, whereresidents are struggling to get daily supplies.The epidemic has prompted the government to lock down whole cities as angermounts over its handling of the crisis -- especially after a whistleblowingdoctor fell victim to the virus.With much of the country still not back at work after an extended Lunar NewYear holiday, cities including financial hub Shanghai ordered residents towear masks in public.Michael Ryan, head of the WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said the "stableperiod" of the outbreak "may reflect the impact of the control measures".While the death toll has climbed steadily, new cases have declined sinceWednesday's single-day peak of nearly 3,900 people nationwide.ALL FILIPINOS FROM NOVEL CORONAVIRUS EPICENTER 'HEALTHY' - DOHAll Filipinos repatriated this weekend from the epicenter of a globalcoronavirus outbreak in China were healthy, the Department of Health saidMonday, following a wave of panic in communities surrounding the group'squarantine area.None of the 32 Filipinos from Wuhan city in central China developed symptomsof the novel coronavirus since their arrival at the Athletes' Village inCapas, Tarlac last Saturday, said DOH Spokesperson and Undersecretary EricDomingo."Lahat po ng mga dumating ay malusog (everyone who arrived was healthy)," hetold DZMM.Health workers will be deployed to monitor and allay the fears ofcommunities surrounding the Athletes' Village, he added.Residents in Capas earlier held a rally while the town council planned aresolution against holding the quarantine in their area. They dropped thesemoves after a dialogue with health officials, said Mayor Rey Catacutan.4 FILIPINOS, AMONG 6 NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS ON CRUISE SHIP IN JAPANTOKYO - Six more people on a cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama have testedpositive for a new coronavirus, the health ministry said Sunday, bringingthe total number of those infected onboard to 70.The five crew members and one passenger -- four Filipinos, one American andone Ukrainian in their 20s to 70s -- have no serious symptoms, the Ministryof Health, Labor and Welfare said.The ministry said it has tested 336 potentially infected people from around3,700 passengers and crew on the vessel, and the latest results on 57 peopleturned up the six new cases.The ship, carrying customers from more than 50 countries and regions, hasbeen kept in quarantine since Monday after a passenger, who disembarked inHong Kong, was found to be infected with the pneumonia-causing virus.The government is also working on a request to get medication to those onboard who are suffering from chronic conditions, health minister KatsunobuKato said on a TV program the same day.The overall number of infected in Japan now stands at 96, including 10people who evacuated from the Chinese city of Wuhan, at the center of theoutbreak, on government-chartered flights. Another 16 includes tourists anda tour bus driver.A Japanese national, suspected of being infected with the coronavirus, diedSaturday in Wuhan. The man in his 60s would be the first Japanese deathresulting from the virus if confirmed.TAGLE LEAVES MANILA TO HEAD TOP VATICAN OFFICEMANILA — Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle left for Rome, Italy to head a powerfulVatican office in charge of spreading the Catholic faith, the Office ofCommunications of the Archdiocese of Manila said.The 62-year-old cardinal is moving to the Vatican to lead the Congregationfor the Evangelization of Peoples.“Tonight I say goodbye. Work starts for me this week at the Congregation. Itwas an honor and blessing to have known you and have collaborated with you.I will always treasure my time with you. You can count on my prayers,”Tagle, Manila’s former top prelate, said.He added: “Please pray for me and my mission as well. Let us pray fordocility to the Holy Spirit as we continue our life as an archdiocese andawait the next archbishop.”Tagle celebrated his last Mass Sunday morning as Manila’s archbishop at theManila Cathedral—the seat of the archdiocese.Pope Francis appointed Tagle as prefect of the Congregation for theEvangelization of the Peoples in December last year. He succeeds FernandoFiloni.The appointment of Tagle marks the return of an Asian cardinal to the helmof the important department for evangelization and Episcopal nominationsMATTEO GUIDICELLI SUFFERS FROM SLIPPED DISCMANILA – Matteo Guidicelli had his fans worried on Saturday after herevealed on social media that he figured in an accident.Through an Instagram Story, Guidicelli said he will be out for a whilebecause he “injured myself yesterday during a training session.”Without saying what he was training for, Guidicelli said he is currentlysuffering from a slipped disc.Guidicelli is one of the celebrities known for having a very activelifestyle.Aside from regularly participating in triathlons, Guidicelli is alsolearning some martial arts for his upcoming movie “Pedro Penduko.”Last year, Guidicelli received special recognition for obtaining the highestgrade in the class when he finished his 30-day Scout Ranger training.COMING SOON IN PH: ‘THE BODYGUARD’ MUSICALMANILA – A musical featuring songs from the 1992 film “The Bodyguard” willsoon be staged in Manila.On Monday, 9 Works Theatrical shared a teaser video for “The Bodyguard: TheMusical,” which will run starting November 2020 at The Theatre at Solaire.The musical is written by Alexander Dinelaris, based on the film screenplayby Lawrence Kasdan.It was not mentioned if “The Bodyguard: The Musical” will feature a local orforeign cast, although it could be noted that 9 Works previously heldauditions for an “our second original Filipino musical and our upcomingBroadway musical.”The first production was already unveiled – a musical featuring compositionsof former Rivermaya frontman Rico Blanco.“Our 2020 season will rock your universe, all at once,” 9 Works hinted inits call for auditions last November.“Your Universe” was part of Blanco’s solo album released in 2008, while “Allat Once” is a song by Whitney Houston, who starred in “The Bodyguard” movie.NBA SCORES FEB 8FINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Bucks 45-7    30    33    21    28    112team logo Magic 22-31    24    22    25    24    95SCORING LEADERSB. Lopez MIL23 PTS, 6 REB, 1 ASTN. Vucevic ORL21 PTS, 14 REB, 6 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Mavericks 32-21    31    33    30    22    116team logo Hornets 16-36    10    33    22    35    100SCORING LEADERSS. Curry DAL26 PTS, 6 REB, 3 ASTD. Graham CHA26 PTS, 4 REB, 10 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Knicks 17-36    17    31    19    28    95team logo Pistons 19-36    28    22    17    25    92SCORING LEADERS    W. Ellington NY17 PTS, 5 REB, 3 AST    R. Jackson DET20 PTS, 2 REB, 9 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Nets 23-28    36    18    34    30    118team logo Raptors 39-14    33    33    34    19    119SCORING LEADERSC. LeVert BKN37 PTS, 3 REB, 4 ASTF. VanVleet TOR29 PTS, 2 REB, 6 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Pelicans 22-31    31    29    28    36    124team logo Pacers 31-22    26    29    30    32    117SCORING LEADERS    J. Holiday NO31 PTS, 6 REB, 10 AST    J. Lamb IND26 PTS, 5 REB, 4 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Clippers 36-16    31    28    29    27    115team logo Timberwolves 16-35    40    41    31    30    142SCORING LEADERS    K. Leonard LAC29 PTS, 6 REB, 3 AST    J. McLaughlin MIN24 PTS, 4 REB, 11 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Lakers 39-12    33    33    30    29    125team logo Warriors 12-41    25    34    25    36    120SCORING LEADERSA. Davis LAL27 PTS, 10 REB, 4 ASTM. Chriss GS26 PTS, 9 REB, 1 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Nuggets 37-16    28    27    28    34    117team logo Suns 21-32    37    17    24    30    108SCORING LEADERSJ. Murray DEN36 PTS, 5 REB, 5 ASTD. Ayton PHO28 PTS, 19 REB, 2 ASTFINAL    1    2    3    4    Tteam logo Spurs 22-30    23    26    29    24    102team logo Kings 21-31    24    28    37    33    122SCORING LEADERS    D. Murray SA17 PTS, 9 REB, 9 AST    B. Hield SAC31 PTS, 6 REB, 5 AST

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
