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18 January 2020

AT MEETING ON NPR, OPPN STATES OBJECT TO QUESTION ON PLACE & BIRTH OFPARENTSOpposition-ruled states raised objections to new questions introduced in the2020 National Population Register (NPR) form at a meeting Friday with UnionHome Secretary A K Bhalla and officials of the Registrar General of India(RGI).After the meeting, Rajasthan Chief Secretary D B Gupta said: “We told RGIthat asking date and place of birth of parents was impractical as people inthis country do not remember their own date of birth. The RGI said thisquestion had been asked earlier and remains voluntary.”RGI officials briefed the meeting of Chief Secretaries and Census officialsof all states and Union Territories, on the NPR process and the trainingexercise for its rollout April 1.While West Bengal, which along with Kerala had declared it would notcooperate in the NPR process, stayed away from the meeting, representativesfrom all states, including Kerala, participated.“Odisha first raised this point (about details of the date and place ofbirth of parents) at the meeting. Some other states, ruled by Oppositionparties, too had reservations on this question. However, a cogentexplanation was given and they appeared to be satisfied,” an official of theMHA said. State representatives were told that this question was asked inthe 2010 and 2015 NPR exercises as well as part of seeking details of ahousehold, but it was not a separate question then. “When some stillexpressed reservations, we told them that information is voluntary and ifthe respondent does not want to give such information, he/she can refuse togive it,” the official said.A senior official from an Opposition-ruled state said the meeting wasfruitful as a familiarisation exercise for the challenges that would befaced during the NPR process and houselisting Census, but a call on eitherhad not yet been taken in his state.Under the law, states have no power to stop the Census or NPR exercise. Infact, not participating in the Census and NPR is a punishable offence.However, it is the states which will provide manpower for enumeration,mainly in the form of primary school teachers. The manpower fixed forhouselisting, NPR and Census by the RGI this time is close to 30 lakhpersonnel.PUNJAB ASSEMBLY GOES A STEP BEYOND KERALA: SCRAP CAA, CHANGE NPR FORMSThe Punjab Assembly passed a resolution Friday demanding the repeal of theCitizenship (Amendment) Act and went beyond Kerala in seeking amendments tothe forms/documentation associated with the National Population Registerprocess.In remarks outside the House later, Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said likeKerala, his government too would approach the Supreme Court on the issue ofCAA. He made it clear that the Census in Punjab would be conducted on oldparameters and new factors added by the Centre for the purpose of NPR wouldnot be included.Earlier, the Chief Minister, speaking in the House, said: “What is thishappening in our country? So many people killed in UP, students protestingall over. This is exactly what happened in Germany in the 1930s. TheCommunists were targeted first and then Jews were killed. This is the timeto speak up. Germans did not speak then, and they regretted it, but we haveto speak now, so that we don’t regret later,” he said.Targeting the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) for its stand on the CAA and NRC,Amarinder Singh said the Akalis were supporting the legislation inParliament and speaking in different voices to promote their politicalagenda. “I will send you a copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Read it. Whathappened then is happening now. I will send a copy in Punjabi,” he said.“Where will the 18 lakh people declared illegal in Assam go if othercountries refuse to take them? Has anyone thought about it? Has the HomeMinister even thought about what has to be done with the so-called illegalpeople,” he asked.He said Muslim blood has been shed to defend this country. “Abdul Hamid,Param Vir Chakra, came from a small family in UP and made the supremesacrifice in the 1965 Indo-Pak war. Brigadier Usman did so in the 1948 war.They did it for their country. What is going on? Where will poor people getbirth certificates from? I am sorry to see this in my lifetime. I wish I wasnot here. You are breaking up the brotherhood,” he said.NIRBHAYA CONVICTS TO HANG ON FEB 1With President Ram Nath Kovind yesterday rejecting the mercy plea of MukeshSingh, one of the four men facing the gallows in the 2012 Nirbhaya gang-rapeand murder case, a Delhi court issued fresh black warrants for execution offour convicts on February 1.Officials in the Ministry of Home Affairs said the President rejected themercy plea after the Union Home Ministry forwarded the petition to hisoffice late Thursday night.Officials in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said the President’srejection of Mukesh’s mercy plea came after the Union Home Ministryforwarded the petition to his office late Thursday night.Later, a Delhi court issued fresh black warrants for execution of all fourconvicts on February 1 at 6 am.PROBLEMS OF PLENTY: FOODGRAIN STOCKS HIT RECORD HIGHWhile retail food inflation soared to a six-year high of 14.12 percent inDecember last year posing a challenge amid slowdown in the economy, thegovernment faces a challenge managing its surplus foodgrain stock which hasreached a record high of 75.51 million metric tonnes as on January 1, 2020.The stocks are likely to increase further. For, according to the Ministry ofAgriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, as on January 16, 2020, wheat has beensown this rabi season in 330.20 lakh hectares — 33.23 lakh ha more than lastyear (296.98 lakh ha).This substantial increase suggests higher production which will add to theexisting surplus foodgrain stock. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food andPublic Distribution is struggling to manage the overflowing granaries. Ithas even written to the Ministry of External Affairs to take the surplusfoodgrain and donate it as humanitarian aid to other countries.The latest data available on the Food Corporation of India (FCI) websiteshows the total foodgrains stock (including unmilled rice) in the centralpool as on January 1, 2020 is about 75.51 million tonnes which is highestever. It is more than three times the 21.4 million tons stock required tomaintain operational stock as well as strategic reserve as on January 1 eachyear.IRAN CAN TAKE FIGHT BEYOND ITS BORDERS, SAYS KHAMENEIThe Revolutionary Guards can take their fight beyond Iran's borders, SupremeLeader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday, responding to the US killingof a top general and to unrest at home over the accidental downing of anairliner.In his first Friday prayers sermon in eight years, he also told thousands ofIranians who chanted "Death to America" that European states could not betrusted after they launched a nuclear agreement dispute mechanism.Khamenei said, in a reference to the United States that renewed his call forU.S. troops to leave neighbouring Iraq and the wider Middle East.He said Iran’s its missile attack on US troops in Iraq earlier this monthwas a "blow to America's image" as a superpower, as he led prayers in Tehranfor the first time since 2012.He called the accidental downing of a Ukrainian airliner a “bitter” tragedyFriday but said it should not overshadow the “sacrifice” of top commanderQasem Soleimani killed in a US drone strike.U.S. SUPREME COURT TAKES UP PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORAL COLLEGE DISPUTEAs the 2020 presidential race heats up, the Supreme Court agreed on January17 to hear a dispute involving the complex U.S. presidential election systemfocusing on whether Electoral College electors are free to break theirpledges to back the candidate who wins their state's popular vote, an actthat could upend an election.The Supreme Court will take up appeals in two cases - from Washington stateand Colorado - involving electors who decided to vote in the ElectoralCollege process for someone other than Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 eventhough she won the popular vote in their States.The justices will determine if such so-called faithless electors have thediscretion to cast Electoral College votes as they see fit or whether statescan impose restrictions including with penalties. The case is expected to beargued in April and decided by the end of June.DELHI POLICE URGE SHAHEEN BAGH PROTESTERS TO UNBLOCK ROADThe Delhi Police on Friday appealed to agitators to unblock the KalindiKunj-Shaheen Bagh stretch due to which the residents of Delhi and NCR aresuffering, officials said.The protesters, who are opposing the contentious CAA and a proposedpan-India NRC, have been siting on protest at Delhi's Shaheen Bagh for overa month.The road is a key link between Noida and Delhi and has been closed by theNoida Traffic Police in view of the ongoing protests.'We appeal to agitators at Road No 13-A, Shaheen Bagh to understand thesufferings, the complete highway blockade is causing to the residents ofDelhi and NCR, senior citizens, emergency patients and school goingchildren,' a police statement said.The matter had also come up before the high court.MUMBAI TAKES FIRST STEP TO STAY OPEN 24X7Lighting up Mumbai’s night-time economy, the government is moving to keepeateries and malls open 24×7 starting January 26. The move will be launchedin pilot form across gated spaces and non-residential areas, which havetheir own CCTV surveillance and parking facilities, and where noise can becurtailed.As of now, standalone establishments will not be part of the push, whichwill cover restaurants inside malls that do not serve alcohol. Food truckswill also be allowed to operate through the night at prominent locationslike Nariman Point.The final nod was given at a meeting chaired Thursday by Tourism MinisterAaditya Thackeray, who is said to be the prime mover behind the proposal.“This plan will come into effect in non-residential areas,” Thackeray said.“About 25 malls and eateries have shown willingness to keep establishmentsopen 24×7. All of them have been asked to ensure fire safety compliance andsecurity,” said an official, who attended the meeting that included themunicipal and police commissioners.A similar move was initiated in 2017 by the previous BJP government but theplan was opposed by the police.TWO-CHILD LAW NEXT ON SANGH AGENDAA law making the two-child norm mandatory, not temples in Kashi and Mathura,are next on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) agenda.RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat told a meeting of RSS functionaries that a law tomake the two-child norm mandatory was what the RSS wanted next. However, thefinal decision in this regard is to be taken by the government.On the question of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, the RSS chief said the role of theRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was limited to the setting up of the trust.After that the RSS would detach itself from the issue, leaving things to thetrust.Responding to a question, he made it clear that temples in Kashi and Mathurawere neither on the RSS agenda in the past nor would it be in the future.Answering questions on the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and abrogation ofArticle 370 of the Constitution, Bhagwat reportedly said the RSS was fullysupportive of the BJP government on these issues and there was no questionof taking these steps back.RAMACHANDRA GUHA'S SHARP REMARKS ON RAHUL, SONIAA "fifth-generation dynast" Rahul Gandhi has no chance in Indian politicsagainst a "hard-working and self-made" PM Narendra Modi, and Kerala did adisastrous thing by electing the Congress leader to Parliament, historianRamachandra Guha said in Kozhikode on Friday.Mr Guha said the reduction of the Congress from a "great party" during thefreedom movement to a "pathetic family firm" now is one of the reasons forthe ascendency of Hindutva and jingoism in India."I have nothing against Rahul Gandhi personally. He is a decent fellow, verywell-mannered. But young India does not want a fifth-generation dynast. Ifyou Malyalis make the mistake of re-electing Rahul Gandhi in 2024 too, youare merely handing over an advantage to Narendra Modi," said Mr Guha on thesecond day of the ongoing Kerala Literature Festival (KLF) during his talk,"Patriotism Vs Jingoism".Addressing the crowd, he said, "Kerala, you have done many wonderful thingsfor India, but one of the disastrous thing you did was to elect Rahul Gandhito the parliament.""Narendra Modi's great advantage is that he is not Rahul Gandhi. He isself-made. He has run a state for 15 years, he has an administrativeexperience, he is incredibly hard working and he never takes holidays inEurope. Believe me I am saying all this in all seriousness," he said.But, even if Rahul Gandhi was "much more intelligent, more hard-working,never took a holiday in Europe, as a fifth generation dynast he still willbe at a disadvantage against a self-made person", the 61-year-old authorsaid.He took on Congress president Sonia Gandhi too who, he said, reminded him ofthe "late Mughal dynasty" and how aloof they were of the state of theirkingdom.TELCOS BRAINSTORM ON PAYING UP TO 20% AGR DUESTelecom companies are discussing a possible plan to make an upfront partpayment, which could be up to 20 per cent of their dues linked to theadjusted gross revenue (AGR). The total AGR dues, including licence fee andspectrum user charge along with penalties and interest, are estimated at Rs1.47 trillion for 15 telcos even as many of them have sold out or shut downtheir business.The Supreme Court, in its order on October 24 last year, had asked telcos topay up the AGR dues within 90 days. On Thursday, the court rejected a reviewpetition by telcos, in a massive blow to the telecom industry, facing severefinancial stress. Sources in telecom firms have said it wouldn’t be possibleto cough up the entire AGR dues in a week, and are looking at a staggeredpayment nod from the government. Vodafone Idea and Bharti are the worst hithaving to pay Rs 53,038 crore and Rs 35,586 crore, respectively, towards AGRdues.Confirming the discussions among some of the telcos, Rajan Mathew, directorgeneral of the Cellular Operators Association of India, said they weredeliberating on making a part payment of the total dues to the government.The industry is looking at making a part payment of up to 20 per cent or sobefore the court deadline. Also, the companies are making a request to theDepartment of Telecom that they would like to work with the government tomake staggered payments of the remaining liability over a period of time.IN RELIEF FOR 30,000 HOMEBUYERS, GOVT TAKES OVER UNITECHIn a major relief for around 30,000 homebuyers, the Centre has agreed totake over troubled real estate giant Unitech to streamline the management ofthe company, which is in a financial mess caused by siphoning off of morethan 50% of money deposited by individuals and financial institutions.The funds were allegedly misappropriated by Unitech Group and its directors.The Centre has proposed the name of retired IAS officer Yudvir Singh Malikas CMD of Unitech.After Satyam in 2009, this is the second instance of a big company beingtaken over by the government. Scandal engulfed Hyderabad-based Satyam afterchairman Ramalinga Raju admitted its books were cooked to the tune of Rs7,000-odd crore. Satyam was later taken over by Mahindra Group’s IT arm.ARTIST SHOWS BEATEN FACES OF FAMOUS WOMEN FOR CAMPAIGN AGAINST VIOLENCEThe "Just Because I am a Woman" campaign created by AleXsandro Palombo,which is currently on display in Milan, features altered portraits ofCongress president Sonia Gandhi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, HillaryClinton, Michelle Obama and French First Lady Brigitte Macron.The campaign also features US Democratic Congresswoman AlexandriaOcasio-Cortez and Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi."I am a victim of domestic abuse. I am paid less. I've experienced genitalmutilation,” reads a message underneath each of the posters. “I do not havethe right to dress as I want. I can't decide who I'm going to marry. I wasraped."The posters note that such violence against women does not differ betweenraces, classes or religions.In a statement, Palombo said he created the posters "to illustrate the dramathat affects millions of women throughout the world... with the aim ofdenouncing, raising awareness and obtaining a real response frominstitutions and politics."BAPU NADKARNI, ECONOMY RATE CHAMPION, DIES AGED 86Former India spinner Bapu Nadkarni, famous for his pin-point precision andenviable economy rate of 1.67, passed away on Friday evening in Mumbai dueto age-related ailments. He was 86.Nadkarni, a 41-Test veteran, plied his trade in the 1950s and 60s, a periodwhen Test cricket was a turgid affair.Without doubt, his finest hour came against the Englishmen in Madras duringthe 1964 season, where he produced scarcely believable figures of 32 overs,27 maidens, 5 runs and no wicket. The spell included 21 successive maidens,still considered a gold standard of bowling miserliness. Amidst the brouhahasurrounding his economical bowling, it’s his resolute and gritty batsmanshipdown the order that often got overlooked. Unbeaten knocks of 52 and 122against England in 1963 established him as a player of great all-roundvalue.INDIA SCORE A 36-RUN WIN OVER AUSTRALIA IN SECOND ODIIndia’s rejigged batting order fired as the hosts beat Australia by 36 runsin the second ODI to level the three-match series. Steve Smith keptAustralia on course with a typically busy 98 before dragging the ball on tohis stumps and the tourists were all out for 304 in the final over.Earlier, the Indian top-order had powered the hosts to 340/6 with openerShikhar Dhawan (96) laying the foundation and wicket-keeper KL Rahulproviding the late assault with a whirlwind 80 (off 52) at No. 5.

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Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
