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21 January 2020


MANILA -- The Philippine economy was tipped to grow at its quickest pace for2019 in the quarter ended December on the back of faster state spending andlow borrowing costs, analysts said, as the government kept watch onpotential fallout from the Taal Volcano eruption.Gross domestic product likely grew 6.4 percent in the last 3 months of 2019,according to the median forecast of 22 economists in a Bloomberg poll.Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia gave a 6.6 percent forecast,compared to the 6.2 percent expansion posted in the previous quarter.Taal Volcano, located in the industrial and tourism region of Calabarzonsouth of Manila, spewed giant ash columns on Jan. 12 and remained underwatch for a possible hazardous eruption."If there are more eruptions, then it may manifest long term and becomesignificant," Regina Capital head of sales Luis Limlingan told ABS-CBN News.Official GDP data is due out on Thursday.On industry and services alone, the volcano could cause P4.3 billion in"foregone income" in Calabarzon, representing 0.17 percent of the region'sGDP, the National Economic Development Authority said.If damage extends beyond the 14-kilometer danger zone, to 17 kilometers, itcould swell to P6.7 billion or 0.26 percent of the region's economic output,it said.Public spending revved up in the second half after being held back by thedelayed passage of the 2019 budget, signed 4 months into the year. PresidentRodrigo Duterte signed the P4.1 trillion 2020 budget last Jan. 6.Inflation also cooled last year from nearly 10-year highs, allowing theBangko Sentral to cut the benchmark lending rate by a cumulative 75 basispoints in 2019, with Governor Benjamin Diokno signalling a further 50-pointreduction this year."The fourth quarter should see a revival in investment activity, recovery incapital formation after two quarters of contraction, while governmentspending improves on 'catch up' spending," ING Bank senior economistNicholas Antonio Mapa told ABS-CBN News."Consumption should deliver more punch given benign inflation conditions,"Mapa said, citing the 1.6-percent average inflation in the fourth quarter.The economy likely grew 6.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019 and 6percent for the entire year, BDO Chief Market Strategist Jonas Ravelas said.The economy could grow by 6.5 percent this year, he said.Dollar remittances from overseas Filipinos and revenues from businessprocess outsourcing and offshore gaming operations likely boostedconsumption in the fourth quarter, which will carry over into 2020,Philippine National Bank said in a research note.RAPPLER ASKS SC: CAN THE PRESIDENT BAN PRESS FROM COVERING PUBLIC EVENTS?MANILA — Online news site Rappler has asked the Supreme Court to determinewhether the president can ban a member of the press from coverage based onan accusation of being a “liar” or “fake news.”In a 66-page Reply filed Monday, Rappler told the high court that the Palaceban on Rappler reporters and correspondents “is not rooted in any provisionof the Constitution or a statute enacted by Congress,” but was based on a"hollow imputation of Executive Power in response" to President RodrigoDuterte’s distrust on some members of the press.The ban against Rappler staff started on Feb. 20, 2018, when a member of thePresidential Security Group banned Pia Ranada from entering Malacañangcomplex.On March 1, 2018, Duterte said in a speech that he is banning Rapplerreporters from events where he will be in attendance.The announcement came a day after Christopher “Bong” Go, Duterte's longtimeaide and since elected a senator, said the news site delivers “fake news”—acomment often used for reports seen as critical of the administration.In April 2019, Rappler reporters sought relief from the SC and assailedDuterte’s order to prohibit them from covering his public events.‘Pretextual’ accreditation"Involved here is the invocation of executive power and an attempt by theGovernment to directly interfere in the workings of the Philippine Press,"Rappler stressed before the court."The question posed by Petitioners affects intersecting fundamental rightsunder the Constitution. Thus, the Honorable Court is duty-bound to demarcateclearer borderlines between the Press and the executive Branch, which is asettled disposition of Hierarchy of Courts," it added.Rappler then argued the SC has the power to “determine whether or notExecutive Power includes the power to brand a member of the Press as ‘liar’or ‘fake news’ or ban a member of the Press from covering newsworthy publicevents...involving the presence and participation of the Chief Executive.”PNP CHIEF TO STEP UP DRIVE VS DRUGS, SCALAWAGSMANILA — Newly appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. ArchieGamboa was sworn in yesterday by President Duterte in Batangas, the provinceworst affected by Taal Volcano’s continuing unrest. ?Residents displaced by the volcanic eruption witnessed the oath taking,which was held at a gymnasium in Sto. Tomas City. ?The President alsoconferred the four-star rank on Gamboa before posing for photos with thepolice chief and his family.Gamboa, who was appointed by President Duterte as the 23rd PNP chief lastFriday, vowed to press forward in the campaign against illegal drugs andweeding out scalawags from the organization.He promised to focus on high-value targets, such as large-scale drugtraffickers.Since Gamboa will turn 56 – the mandatory retirement age for the uniformedservice – on Sept. 2, he will serve as PNP chief for only eight months. Heis a member of the Philippine Military Academy Class of 1986.Prior to his appointment, Gamboa was the PNP’s officer-in-charge for threemonths after his classmate, former police chief Oscar Albayalde, went onnon-duty leave amid allegations of protecting “ninja cops” or policeofficers who recycle seized prohibited narcotics.Presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo said honesty was Duterte’sconsideration in choosing Gamboa as PNP chief.Also present during the oath taking were Interior Secretary Eduardo Año andSen. Christopher Go.A ceremonial giving of government assistance to families affected by thevolcanic eruption immediately followed.TAAL SIMMERS DOWN BUT DANGER NOT OVER — PHIVOLCSVolcano is still inflating - PhivolcsMANILA - The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs)on Tuesday said that while there is a seeming decline in the volcanicactivities of Taal, people should not feel that it is safe enough to returnto the high-risk areas."There is a seeming weakening of the activities but it doesn’t mean thedanger is over,” said Phivolcs Volcano Monitoring and Eruption PredictionDivision head Mariton Bornas during a press conference on Tuesday morning.In its 8 a.m. bulletin, Phivolcs said that in the last 24 hours, it onlymonitored “weak steam emission” from the volcano that generated ash plumes500 to 600 meters high. Sulfur dioxide emissions were also lower at anaverage of 344 tons per day. During the start of the eruptive activities ofTaal on January 12 and in recent days, sulfur dioxide levels have beenfluctuating, reaching around 4,000 to 5,000 tons per day. Bornas said thefluctuation is due to the interaction of ground water and magma, which emitssulfur dioxide when it is near the surface.“The incidence of volcanic earthquakes is indeed lowering,” Bornas said,adding that the type of quakes monitored shows that there is still magmamovement underground.Since January 12 1 p.m., the Philippine Seismic Network (PSN) recorded 718volcanic earthquakes. Of that number 176 are magnitude 1.2 to 4.1 and werefelt at Intensities I to V. But since 5 a.m on January 20 until the nextday, only five volcanic earthquakes were recorded. However, the Taal VolcanoNetwork, which can record small earthquakes undetectable by PSN, were ableto record 448 volcanic earthquakes. Seventeen of those were low-frequencyearthquakes, which signify movement of magma.Bornas said the only time Phivolcs will lower its alert level 4 on Taal isif they see an “overall trend” of all parameters.“(But) the readings on the sulfur dioxide are fluctuating,” she said. “Wecannot just trust the daily reading. We have to look at the trend.”Bornas said that even if the volcanic activity further weakens, magma isalready in place.“We have ground deformation parameters that the volcano is still inflatedand is still inflating,” she said. “The magma is already there and thevolcano can easily erupt.”5 ABU SAYYAF SLAIN, IN TAWI-TAWI, SULUZAMBOANGA CITY — Five Abu Sayyaf bandits were killed while a soldier waswounded in military operations in Tawi-Tawi and Sulu over the weekend.Oyong, Datu Solon and Rashida, all surnamed Maulana, and Nhadz Omar werekilled in an encounter in Barangay Lakit, Sapa-Sapa, according to Brig. Gen.Camilo Balutan, commander of the Joint Task Force Tawi-Tawi.“The group was known as a conduit of those behind kidnappings in thetri-boundary of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines,” Balutan said in hisreport to the Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom).Balutan said an M1 Garand rifle, a bandoleer with seven magazines loadedwith bullets for a 5.56mm rifle, sachets of shabu, drug paraphernalia andcellular phones were recovered from the suspects in Barangay Lakit,Sapa-Sapa.Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, Westmincom said another bandit was killed in amilitary air strike on Sulare Island in Parang town.Sobejana said the 1102nd Infantry Brigade ordered the air strike afterreceiving reports that the bandits boarded a speedboat in the area.The military said an M16 rifle, two bandoleers with ammunition, four cellphones and a twin engine speedboat were recovered during clearingoperations.The military offensive followed an alert from its Malaysian counterparts onthe kidnapping of five Indonesian fishermen off Lahad Datu in Sabah onFriday.POWER RESTORED IN AREAS AFFECTED BY TAAL VOLCANO’S UNRESTMANILA — The restoration of electricity in areas affected by the explosionof Taal Volcano has been completed.The Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) said its line crew worked around the clockto clean main lines and circuits affected by ashfalls.“In the past week, portions of Cavite, Laguna and Batangas experienced powerinterruptions because... ashfall affected various circuits in these areas,”Meralco public information office head Joe Zaldarriaga said.Meralco said around 180,000 households in parts of Bacoor, Silang, Amadeo,Indang, Naic, Trece Martirez City, Alfonso, Cavite City, Dasmarinas City andTagaytay City in Cavite; Cabuyao and Calamba in Laguna, and Talisay inBatangas were hit by power outages.The Department of Energy (DOE) said it is coordinating with the NationalDisaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center and the powersector on the status of energy facilities and systems as well as issues thatcould affect energy supply in areas near Taal Volcano.The DOE advised energy facilities in Laguna, Rizal, Aurora and northern partof Quezon to undertake appropriate measures to respond to contingencies withthe volcano’s continued activity.In recent visits to affected areas in Batangas and Cavite, the DOE alsodiscussed measures to help ensure that unscrupulous traders do not takeadvantage of the situation.A price freeze on basic commodities, including liquefied petroleum gas andkerosene, are in place in Batangas and Cavite, where a state of calamity wasdeclared due to Taal Volcano’s activity.MOTORCYCLE TAXI PILOT RUN TO PROCEED, TRANSPORT OFFICIAL SAYSMANILA -- The pilot run of motorcycle taxis will proceed, the transportofficial overseeing it said Tuesday, as he called for a meeting withride-hailing platforms Angkas, JoyRide and Move It to thresh out rules.The Department of Transportation's technical working group considered the"sentiments" of senators during a hearing on Monday that the motor taxitrial run must proceed, said Antonio Gardiola, a member of the LandTransportation Franchising and Regulatory Board.Gardiola said on Monday that the pilot study would end and that theride-hailing trio could be considered "illegal." Motorcycles are notrecognized as public transport under Philippine law and the pilot run wasset as platforms such as Angkas grew popular among commuters caught intraffic jams."Itutuloy natin yan (We will push through with it)," Gardiola told CNNPhilippines when asked if the trial run would proceed.Gardiola said Sen. Bong Go approached him at the Senate last Monday and toldhim, referring to the pilot run: "Dapat ituloy natin to (We should continuethis)."While the technical working group "understands" the need for an alternativemode of transportation, Gardiola cited violations of guidelines in the firsttrial run, which ended last December."Without regulation, it's anarchy. Mahirap ho (It's really hard)," he said.The government added JoyRide and Move It because it could not draftregulation based solely on feedback from one participant, Angkas, during thefirst trial run, he said."Mahirap mageksperimento kung iisa sample mo (It's hard to experiment withjust one sample), so we can come up with a viable and comprehensiveevaluation of any data that we can gather," he said.Angkas, which is protesting the cap on riders per platform in the extendedtrial run, said legal cases questioning it should not stop the pilot fromproceeding."The case is really of no consequence, rather what were focused on, whatwere really pushing for is the lifting of the cap and that’s really whatthey’re restrained by the court currently," Angkas chief transport advocateGeorge Royeca told ANC.Imposing a cap and creating a controlled environment for the study "is alittle bit too late" after the initial 6-month period lapsed, Royeca said.Royeca proposed allowing drivers to operate on more than one platform, whichhe said worked in other countries."I think the first 6 months was a success and I really hope that they takethat into consideration. Let’s find out how we can legalize this," Royecasaid.NCRPO CRACKS DOWN ON COPS USING STOLEN CARSMANILA — The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) yesterdaylaunched a crackdown on policemen using stolen vehicles recovered inoperations for personal use.NCRPO director Brig. Gen. Debold Sinas said they started checking thelicense plates of cars used by police officers on orders of PhilippineNational Police (PNP) chief Lt. Gen. Archie Gamboa.The program, dubbed “Oplan Viserion,” is part of the internal cleansingefforts of the PNP, which penalizes officers who bought unregistered andstolen vehicles.Camp Bagong Diwa, the NCRPO’s headquarters in Taguig City, was placed onlockdown after yesterday’s flag-raising rites as inspectors started checkingthe vehicles parked inside the police camp.Sinas said the inspectors found that a majority of motorcycles and cars hadno license plates, prompting speculations that these might be stolenvehicles recovered by police.Starting yesterday, vehicles without registration papers were barred fromentering the NCRPO headquarters.The same protocol would be implemented in five police districts and stationsin Metro Manila, according to Sinas.He said vehicles without the registration papers would be impounded.ENTERTAINMENT & LIFESTYLE'THANK YOU, JADINE': INSIDER SOURCES REVEAL WHY JAMES REID, NADINE LUSTREWITHHELD SPLITMANILA — Kapamilya love team James Reid and Nadine Lustre finally confirmedthat they broke up.In ABS-CBN's "Tonight With Boy Abunda" on Monday evening, the former coupleannounced their breakup through a joint statement.“It’s true that we have split up, but not for all the reasons that are beingspread on the tabloids and social media, but because after quiet and matureconversations, we decided to focus on ourselves not only for our careers butmore for our personal growth as we are still young and we want to achieve asmuch as we can,” they said.The former couple added that they agreed to split to pursue individualdreams and careers. They assured, however, that they are in good terms.“We agreed that going separate ways was best for both of us. We are in goodterms and are still really good friends and will continue to work with eachother especially when it comes to music,” said the pair, who might haveerased some pictures of each other on their social media accounts but havecontinued to follow each other, unlike other couples who have broken up.James and Nadine also thanked their fans for their support as they hope thatfans would continue to support them in their individual careers."Thank you for all the JaDine fans for their undying support and we hope youcontinue to support us now and in the future. We shall forever be gratefulto them for their love and understanding. Thank you,” the former couplesaid.The pair were supposed to celebrate their fourth anniversary on Ferbruary11.Breakup rumors sparked when Nadine posted on Instagram: "For good reason,lost all of my love."The public thought the actress dispelled the rumors by posting her reactionto The STAR Entertainment Editor Ricky Lo's column, JaDine breakup: A caseof too much, too soon?In the column, Lo wrote, among other things, that Nadine has allegedly hasleft James' house in Quezon City, their love nest for more than two years,to move to a Makati City condo."None of what you said was true and it is never okay to use someone’s mentalsituation/tragic past just to prove a point. Mental illness is a verysensitive matter," Nadine said in an Instagram story as a reaction to Lo'scolumn.After that, JaDine posted pictures of them together in Baguio and hikingMount Ulap. Just last week, they were in Brazil for a lifestyle magazineshoot.Insider sources, who are close to the couple but requested to stay private,revealed to and The STAR that James and Nadine waited beforeannouncing their breakup because they allegedly still had a commitment toappear in a project as JaDine. The former couple are yet to confirm this.

Comments (0)

Hi Jenna! I made a new design, and i wanted to show it to you.
It's quite clean and it's inspired from Bulkit.
Oh really??! I want to see that.
FYI it was done in less than a day.
Great to hear it. Just send me the PSD files so i can have a look at it.
And if you have a prototype, you can also send me the link to it.

Hey Jenna, what's up?
Iam coming to LA tomorrow. Interested in having lunch?
Hey mate, it's been a while. Sure I would love to.
Ok. Let's say i pick you up at 12:30 at work, works?
Yup, that works great.
And yeah, don't forget to bring some of my favourite cheese cake.
No worries

Hello Jenna, did you read my proposal?
Didn't hear from you since i sent it.
Hello Milly, Iam really sorry, Iam so busy recently, but i had the time to read it.
And what did you think about it?
Actually it's quite good, there might be some small changes but overall it's great.
I think that i can give it to my boss at this stage.
Crossing fingers then
